Contact Us

Office of Academic Affairs

1000 E. University Ave - Dept 3302

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: (307)766.4286

Fax: (307)766.2606

Bylaws for Academic Units

In November 2018, the Board of Trustees adopted UW Regulation 2-411 (Academic Organization) and UW Regulations of the Academic Units (2-400 through 2-410) were repealed, effective July 1, 2019.  UW 2-411 requires all Colleges, Schools, UW-Casper and UW Libraries to establish Bylaws.  Each school, division and/or department in the colleges shall also establish Bylaws.  

As per UW 2-411, the Bylaws must be approved by 2/3 of the faculty quorum with the College, School, Branch Campus or Libraries, where a quorum is defined as 50% of the faculty within the College or School.  Alternatively, the Bylaws may be approved by a majority of the faculty within the College, School, Branch Campus, or Libraries.  The Bylaws must be approved by the Provost.  

Access the bylaws for Colleges, Schools, UW-Casper and UW Libraries below.

  1. American Heritage Center (Bylaws replacing UW 2-400)  Coming Soon.

  2. College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (Bylaws replacing UW 2-401) [10/8/19]

  3. College of Arts and Sciences (Bylaws replacing UW 2-402) [10/18/19]

  4. College of Business (Bylaws replacing UW 2-403) [5/14/24]

  5. College of Education (Bylaws replacing UW 2-404) Bylaws passed by faculty [7/8/19]

  6. College of Engineering and Physical Sciences (Bylaws replacing UW 2-405) Revised bylaws passed by faculty [3/2/23]

  7. College of Health Sciences (UW 2-406) Bylaws passed by faculty [11/22/21]

  8. College of Law (Bylaws replacing UW 2-407) Bylaws passed by faculty [6/19/19]

  9. Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources (Bylaws replacing UW 2-408) [11/9/19].

  10. University Libraries (Bylaws replacing UW 2-409) Bylaws passed by faculty [6/19/19]

  11. UW/Casper – Bylaws passed by faculty [9/10/19]

  12. School of Energy Resources - Bylaws passed by faculty [11/14/22]

  13. Access to Academic Unit/Department bylaws (coming soon).
Contact Us

Office of Academic Affairs

1000 E. University Ave - Dept 3302

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: (307)766.4286

Fax: (307)766.2606