Anna D. Chalfoun, Ph. D.

Assistant Professor/Assistant Unit Leader

Department of Zoology & Physiology,

USGS Wyoming Cooperative Fish &

Wildlife Research Unit

Department 3166; 1000 East University Avenue

University of Wyoming

Laramie, WY82071

(307) 766-6966



Research Interests:

Current research in my lab spans the disciplines of ecology, evolution, behavior and conservation biology, and diverse taxa including birds, small mammals, and herpetofauna.


My main focus is understanding the processes and factors that influence wildlife-habitat relationships.I am particularly interested in understanding why organisms select particular habitats and under what contexts such choices are adaptive. My philosophy is that effective conservation and management strategies require careful study about what constitutes actual habitat quality for species of interest at multiple scales.My research has also focused on habitat fragmentation, broad-scale life history patterns, and parental care strategies.


My position as the Assistant Unit Leader of the USGS Wyoming Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit necessitates that I develop research projects in close cooperation with the Wyoming Game & Fish Department and other agencies in order to address critical research needs of non-game wildlife species within the state. All graduate student projects in my lab therefore have both applied and conceptual components that are well-suited for students interested in learning to conduct rigorous scientific research that simulateously addresses real-world wildlife conservation issues.


 Current Projects:

Effects of wind power development on mixed-grass prairie avifauna (with MS student Anika Mahoney)

Response of greater sage-grouse to habitat enhancement treatments in Wyoming (with Dr. Jeff Beck and Ph.D. student Kurt Smith)

Mechanisms underlying energy development effects on songbirds (with MS student Matthew Hethcoat)

Raptor nest occupancy in relation to coal-bed methane development (with Dr. Ken Gerow)

Influence of human disturbance along a transportation corridor on sagebrush songbirds in Grand Teton National Park

Avian and small mammal responses to the mountain pine beetle epidemic in Wyoming Lodgepole (with MS student Joslin Heyward)

Habitat and climate influences on American pika populations in Wyoming (with Dr. Dan Doak and MS student Leah Yandow)

The greater sage-grouse as a potential umbrella species for the conservation and management of non-game sagebrush wildlife species (with Ph.D. student Jason Carlisle)



Publications ��