Full list of McDonald publications: (click on underlined text to
see abstract; most have download links for PDFs)
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home page
Larson, R., D.B. McDonald et al. 2018. The genetic structure of American
black bear populations in the southern Rocky Mountains. Intermountain J.
Sci. 24: 56-66.
D.B., and E.A. Hobson. 2018. Edge weight variance: population genetic
metrics for social network analysis. Animal Behaviour 136: 239-250.
Neumann, C., D.B. McDonald, and D. Shizuka. 2018. Dominanceranks, dominance ratings and linear hierarchies: a critique. Animal Behaviour 144: e1-e16.
A., Golden, H.N., Harrington. M., McDonald, D.B., Ben-David, M. 2016.
Coastal latrine sites as social information hubs and drivers of river
otter fission-fusion dynamics.
Animal Behaviour 120: 103-114.
Shizuka, D., and D.B. McDonald. 2015. The network motif architecture of dominance hierarchies. J. Roy. Soc. Interface 12 (105): 20150080. Download PDF
Mandeville, E.G., T.L. Parchman, D.B. McDonald, and C.A. Buerkle. 2015. Highly variable reproductive isolation among pairs of Catostomus species. Mol. Ecol. 24: 1856-1872.
McDonald, D.B., and M.E. Dillon. 2015. Temporal changes in dominance networks and other behaviour sequences. Pp. 61-72 In Animal Social Networks (J. Krause, R. James, D.W. Franks and D.P. Croft, eds.). Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Edelman, A.J., and D.B. McDonald. 2014. Structure of cooperation at long-tailed manakin leks. Anim. Behav. 97: 125-133. Download PDF
McDonald, D.B. 2014. Studying lifelong male-male partnerships in a tropical bird. Pages 99-120 In Animal Behavior: How and Why Animals Do the Things They Do, Vol. 3 (K. Yasukawa, editor). Praeger, Santa Barbara, CA.
Pinter-Wollman, N., E.A. Hobson, J.E. Smith, A.J. Edelman, D. Shizuka, S. de Silva, J.S. Waters, S.D. Prager, T. Sasaki, G. Wittemyer, J. Fewell and D.B. McDonald. 2014. Response to comments on the dynamics of network dynamics. Behav. Ecol. 25: 256-261. doi:10.1093/beheco/aru004
N., E.A. Hobson, J.E. Smith, A.J. Edelman, D. Shizuka, S. de Silva, J.S.
Waters, S.D. Prager, T. Sasaki, G. Wittemyer, J. Fewell and D.B.
McDonald. 2013.
The dynamics of animal social networks: analytical, conceptual, and
theoretical advances. Behav. Ecol. 25: 242-255. Download
PDF doi: 10.1093/beheco/art047
T.L., Z. Gompert, M.J. Braun, R.T. Brumfield, D.B. McDonald, J.A.C. Uy,
G. Zhang, E.D. Jarvis, B.A. Schlinger, and C.A. Buerkle. 2013.
The genomic consequences of adaptive divergence and reproductive
isolation between species of manakins. Mol. Ecol. 22: 3304-3317.
PDF doi: 10.1111/mec.12201
McDonald, D.B., and D. Shizuka. 2013. Comparative transitive and temporal orderliness in dominance networks. Behav. Ecol. 24: 511-520. doi:10.1093/beheco/ars192
Seymour, M.S., K.E. Ott, D.A. Guertin, H.N. Golden, D.B. McDonald, and M. Ben-David. 2012. Early Holocene glacial retreat isolated populations of river otters (Lontra canadensis) along the Alaskan coast. Can. J. Zoology 90: 1136-1148.
G.A., F.B.R. Gomes, and D.B. McDonald. 2012. Description of the nest,
nestling and broken-wing behavior of Conopophaga aurita
(Passeriformes: Conopophagidae).
Rev. Bras. Ornitol. 20: 128-131. Download
Shizuka, D., and D.B. McDonald. 2012. A social network perspective on measurements of dominance hierarchies. Anim. Behav. 83: 925-934. Download PDF
McDonald, D.B. 2010. A spatial dance to the music of time in the leks of long-tailed manakins. Pp. 55-81 In Adv. Study of Behav. Vol. 42 (Regina Macedo, ed.). Burlington: Academic Press. ISBN: 978-0-12-380894-3 Download PDF of the Intro only (first three pages) email me to request a PDF
McDonald, D.B. 2010. Behavioral ecology: social networks for dullards. Curr. Biol. 20: R856-R857. [Dispatch on a network paper by Oh and Badyaev]. Download PDF
D.B. 2009. Young-boy networks without kin clusters in a lek-mating
manakin. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 63: 1029-1034. Download
PDF (special issue on social networks).
DOI 10.1007/s00265-009-0722-9.
H., D.B. McDonald, P. Groves, J.A.K. Maier, and M. Ben-David. 2009.
Social networks and the formation and maintenance of river otter groups.
Ethol. 115: 384-396.
DOI 10.1111/j.1439-0310.2009.01624.x Download
Herreman, J.K., G.M. Blundell, D.B. McDonald, and M. Ben-David. 2009. Asymmetrical male-mediated gene flow between harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) populations in Alaska. Can. J. Zool. 87: 498-507.
Quist, M.C., M.R. Bower, W.A. Hubert, T.L. Parchman, and D.B. McDonald. 2009. Morphometric and meristic differences of bluehead sucker, flannelmouth sucker, white sucker, and their hybrids: tools for the management of native species in the upper Colorado River basin. N. Am. J. Fish. Mgmt. 29: 640-647. Download PDF
McDonald, D.B., T.L. Parchman, M.R. Bower, W.A. Hubert, and F.J. Rahel. 2008. An introduced and a native vertebrate hybridize to form a genetic bridge to a second native species. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 105: 10842-10847. Download PDF (covered in the 26-Jul-08 issue of New Scientist)
Ryder, T.B., D.B. McDonald, J.G. Blake, P.G. Parker, and B.A. Loiselle. 2008. Social networks in the lek-mating wire-tailed manakin (Pipra filicauda). Proc R. Soc. B. 275: 1367-1374. Download PDF of paper
Koopman, M.E. D.B. McDonald, and G.D. Hayward. 2007. Microsatellite analysis reveals genetic monogamy among female boreal owls. Journal of Raptor Research 41: 314-318. Download PDF of paper
Hansen, H., M. Ben-David, and D.B. McDonald. 2007. Effects of genotyping protocols on success and errors in identifying individual river otters (Lontra canadensis) from their faeces. Mol. Ecol. Res. 8: 282-289 Download PDF of paper
Grenier, M.B., D.B. McDonald, and S.W. Buskirk. 2007. Rapid population growth of a critically endangered carnivore. Science 317: 799. Download PDF of paper New Scientist overview
McDonald, D.B. 2007. Predicting fate from early connectivity in a social network. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 104: 10910-10914. Download PDF of paper
Koopman, M.E., G.D. Hayward, and D.B. McDonald. 2007. High connectivity and minimal genetic structure among North American Boreal Owl populations, regardless of habitat matrix. Auk 124: 690-704. Download PDF of paper
Doucet, S.M., D.B. McDonald, M.S. Foster, and R.P. Clay. 2007. Plumage development and molt in Long-tailed Manakins, Chiroxiphia linearis: variation according to sex and age. Auk 124: 29-43. Download PDF of paper Download jpeg of cover painting Link to Stephanie Doucet's home page (University of Windsor, Canada)
Korfanta, N.M., D.B. McDonald, and T.C. Glenn. 2005. Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia) population genetics: a comparison of North American forms and migratory habits. Auk 122: 464-478. Download PDF of paper
Koopman, M.E., D.B. McDonald, G.D. Hayward, K. Eldegard, G.A. Sonerud and S.G. Sermach. 2005. Genetic similarity among Eurasian subspecies of boreal owls Aegolius funereus. J. Avian Biol. 36: 179-183. Download PDF of paper
McDonald, D., N.M. Korfanta, and S.J. Lantz. 2004. The Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia): a technical conservation assessment. [Online]. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Region. Download: http://www.fs.fed.us/r2/projects/scp/assessments/burrowingowl.pdf [14-Sep-04].
Anderson, C.R. Jr., F.G. Lindzey, and D.B. McDonald. 2004. Genetic structure of cougar populations across the Wyoming Basin: metapopulation or megapopulation? J. Mammalogy 85:1207-1214. Download PDF of paper
McDonald, D.B. 2003. Microsatellite DNA evidence for gene flow in
neotropical lek-mating Long-tailed Manakins. Condor 105: 580-586.
Download PDF of paper
Wisely, S.M., D.B. McDonald, and S.W. Buskirk. 2003. Evaluation of the genetic management of the endangered black-footed ferret (Mustela nigripes). Zoo Biology 22: 287-298. Download PDF of paper
Wisely, S.M., S.W. Buskirk, M.A. Fleming, D.B. McDonald, and E.A. Ostrander. 2002. Genetic diversity and fitness in black-footed ferrets before and during a bottleneck. J. Heredity 93: 231-237. Download PDF of paper
Trainer, J.M., D.B. McDonald, and W.A. Learn. 2002. The development of coordinated singing in cooperatively displaying long-tailed manakins. Behavioral Ecology 13: 65-69. Download PDF of paper
Brumfield, R.T., R.W. Jernigan, D.B. McDonald, and M.J. Braun. 2001. Evolutionary implications of divergent clines in a manakin (Manacus; Aves) hybrid zone. Evolution 55: 2070-2087. Download PDF of paper
McDonald, D.B., R.P. Clay, R.T. Brumfield, and M.J. Braun. 2001. Sexual selection on plumage and behavior in an avian hybrid zone: experimental tests of male-male interactions. Evolution 55: 1443-1451. Download PDF of paper
Korfanta, N.H, L.W. Ayers, S.H. Anderson, and D.B. McDonald. 2001. A preliminary assessment of burrowing owl population status in Wyoming. J. Raptor Research 35: 337-343.
McDonald, D.B. 2000. Demographic analyses of mating systems. Pp. 80-105 In Vertebrate Mating Systems (M. Apollonio, M. Festa-Bianchet, and D. Mainardi, eds.). World Scientific Publishing, London.
Young, B.E., and D.B. McDonald. 2000. Birds. In Natural History of Monteverde (N. Wheelwright and N. Nadkarni, eds.). Oxford University Press, New York.
McDonald, D.B., W.K. Potts, J.W. Fitzpatrick, and G.E. Woolfenden. 1999. Contrasting genetic structures in sister species of North American scrub-jays. Proc. R. Soc. B. 266: 1117-1125. Download PDF of paper
McDonald, D.B. 1999. Sartorial simplicity is knot what it seems. Nature 398: 455. Download PDF of paper (well at least I got something out of my deformative years in British boarding school).
McDonald, D.B., and W.K. Potts. 1997. Microsatellite DNA as a genetic marker at several scales. pp. 29-49 In Avian Molecular Evolution and Systematics (D. Mindell, ed.). Academic Press, New York.
Hayward, G.D. and D.B. McDonald. 1997. Matrix population models as a tool in development of habitat models. Pp. 205-212In Biology and Conservation of Owls of the Northern Hemisphere. (J.R. Duncan, D.H. Johnson and T.H. Nicholls, eds.). U.S. Forest Service, Gen. Tech. Rep. NC-190
McDonald, D.B., J.W. Fitzpatrick, and G.E. Woolfenden. 1996. Actuarial senescence and demographic heterogeneity in the Florida scrub-jay. Ecology 77: 2373-2381.
McDonald, D.B., and J.L. Hamrick. 1996. Genetic variation in some plants of Florida scrub. Am. J. Botany 83: 21-27.
Trainer, J.M., and D.B. McDonald. 1995. Singing performance, frequency matching and courtship success of long-tailed manakins (Chiroxiphia linearis). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 37: 249-254. Download PDF of paper
McDonald, D.B., and W.K. Potts. 1994. Cooperative display and relatedness among males in a lek-mating bird. Science 266: 1030-1032. Download PDF of paper
McDonald, D.B. 1993. Delayed plumage maturation and orderly queues for status: a manakin mannequin experiment. Ethol. 94: 31-45. Download PDF of paper
McDonald, D.B. 1993. Demographic consequences of sexual selection in the long-tailed manakin. Behav. Ecol. 4: 297-309. Download PDF of paper
McDonald, D.B., and H. Caswell. 1993. Matrix methods for avian demography. In Current Ornithology, Vol. 10, pp. 139-185 (D. Power, ed.). Plenum Press, New York. Download PDF of paper
Trainer, J.M., and D.B. McDonald. 1993. Vocal repertoire of the Long-tailed Manakin and its relation to male-male cooperation. Condor 95: 769-781. Download PDF of paper
Young, B.E., M.C. Garvin, and D.B. McDonald. 1993. Blood parasites in birds from Monteverde, Costa Rica. J. Wildl. Dis. 29: 555-560. Download PDF of paper
McDonald, D.B. 1989. Correlates of male mating success in a lekking bird with male-male cooperation. Anim. Behav. 37: 1007-1022. Download PDF of paper (scanned)
McDonald, D.B. 1989. Cooperation under sexual selection: age-graded changes in a lekking bird. Am. Nat. 134: 709-730. Download PDF of paper
McDonald, D.B., and K. Winnett-Murray 1989. First reported nests of the Black-breasted Wood-Quail (Odontophorus leucolaemus). Condor 91: 985-986.
Best keeping-the-ego-in-check line about one of my publications. "Dave, this is great, when does the full version come out?" (My Mom, re my 3-page 1994 Science paper). "Well, Mom, that's all there is. It's all downhill from here."
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