McDonald, D.B., W.K. Potts, J.W. Fitzpatrick, and G.E. Woolfenden. 1999. Proc. Royal Soc. London B. 266: 1117-1125.
Threatened Florida scrub-jays (Aphelocoma coerulescens) breed
communally, are restricted to xeric sandy scrub habitat, generally disperse
fewer than three territory diameters. Closely related Western scrub-jays
(A. californica) do not breed communally, have a broader habitat
range, disperse greater distances, and are not threatened. We compared
the genetic structure of 445 individuals in 11 populations in Florida with
157 individuals in eight populations of Western scrub-jays. At
ten microsatellite loci, Florida had 24 out of 47 total alleles, while
Western scrub-jays had 44. The Florida populations were more differentiated
(GST = 0.048) than were a set of
five California populations (GST
= 0.015). A randomization extension of a Mantel test showed a stronger
correlation between geographic and Cavalli-Sforza genetic distances among
Western than Florida populations. Neighbour-joining trees clustered Florida
populations from the same sandy ridge systems, suggesting that habitat
continuity is more important than geographic proximity in allowing gene
flow and preventing differentiation. For Western populations, isolation
by distance appears to be the major determinant of genetic structure. Our
results suggest that contrasting genetic structures may arise between closely
related species, as a result of differences in ecology and social system.
Conserving extant genetic variation in Florida jays will require maintaining
viable populations in each of the major sandy ridge systems.
Macintosh (and IBM) software is available on request.
The software will do both a conventional Mantel
test and a randomization extension
(allowing one to compare the strength of correlation
sets of matrices,
whereas the Mantel test asks only whether two
matrices are correlated. That is, we can ask "Are Matrix A and Matrix B
more correlated than are Matrix C and Matrix D?")
The tests should be applicable to a wide array
of problems in ecology and evolution,
not just the genetic case shown here.