Nest site of a Black Rosy-Finch in the Wind River Range, WY, Jun-02, ~12,000'.
For scale, see the two people crossing the snowfield?
Black Rosy-Finch nestling, Beartooth Plateau, WY, Aug-02.
Climb to the nest by Mo Ryan, now a Ph.D. student at UC Davis.Microsatellite genotypes of nestlings at three nests (and one attending male) shed light on the mating system.
Field assistant (WY is a "right-to-work" state...)
Only 1,500' up that talus slope to the nest.
Black Rosy-Finch site in the Big Horn Mts., north-central WY.
First nest record for Brown-capped Rosy-Finch in Wyoming (northern limit of range)
General location of the nest, in the Snowies above South Gap Lake, west of Laramie
Tom Parchman (my post-doc and AFLP collaborator) climbing to another Brown-capped Rosy-Finch nest in
the Snowies, 18-Jul-05.