Lecture #4: Endospore and Capsule Stains

I. The Bacterial Endospore

A. A _____________________________ that develops within vegetative cells of several genera

1. ___________________________ (rods) (e.g. the pathogen Bacillus anthracis)
2. ___________________________ (rods) (e.g. the pathogens Clostridium botulinum and Clostridium tetani)
3. ___________________________ (cocci)

B. Develop in nature to allow for survival ___________________________ ____________________________.
C. Extraordinarily resistant to _____________________________________ such as heat, UV, chemical disinfectants and desiccation. In fact, some spores have remained viable for 100,000 yrs.
D. ______________________________ in the mother cell frequently differs among species and can depend on the time lapsed after formation.

E. Endospore structure

F. The spore’s mechanism of resistance is ___________________________ _________________________________. Following are some possibilities:

1. ________________________________________ have been found that protect the DNA from heat, radiation and desiccation.
2. The cortex may _________________________________________, protecting it from heat and radiation.
3. The high concentration of _____________________________ ________________________________ appears to play a role in DNA protection thus enhancing spore resistance to heat, H2O2 and desiccation  (Journal of Bacteriology, June 2006, p. 3740-3747, Vol. 188, No.11 (Setlow et. al.)).

II. ___________________________________ (sporogenesis or sporulation)

A. Steps

1. The cell stops growing and the _____________________________.

2. The cell ______________________________________. A copy of the DNA is enclosed and the ________________________________.

3. The immature spore is ___________________________________.

4. The _________________________ is laid down in the space between the two membranes.

5. _____________________________________________ are formed.

6. The spore _____________________ and ____________________ _______________________________________.

III. Transformation of dormant spores into active, vegetative cells.

A. Stages

1. __________________________ - some change in environment (usually exposure to ____________ or certain chemicals) causes the spore to prepare for germination.
2. ________________________

a. Often triggered by the ______________________________ __________________________.
b. The spore takes on water, ___________________________ __________________________________________________.
c. _____________ ____ begins to increase.

3. Outgrowth - the spore core makes new components, emerges from the remains of the spore coat and ____________________________ ___________________________.

IV. ________________________ Endospores

A. Only ____________________________________ produce endospores so these should be the cells used for staining.
B. In addition to resisting heat and chemicals the protein coat of an endospore is also ________________________________. Therefore the staining procedure must be fairly ____________________.


V. Bacterial _______________________

A. A well organized _____________________________________________ ___________________________.
B. Generally composed of ________________________________________.
C. Help bacteria resist ____________________________ by host phagocytic cells, therefore increasing the ________________________ of these bacteria
(e.g. Streptococcus pneumoniae).
D. Contain a ______________________________________ and can protect ___________________________.
E. Exclude bacterial ________________________ and most hydrophobic ___________________.
F. Can enhance the ability of certain bacteria to ______________________ _______________ (e.g. Streptococcus mutans ________________________ ________________________________).

VI. __________________________ bacteria with capsules

A. The polysaccharides and polypeptides in the capsule make staining difficult, therefore capsule staining procedures generally ________________________ _______________________________ leaving the capsule ______________ ________________________________________________. It appears as a ____________ around the cell.
B. Cells with capsules are not heated as heat treatment _________________ _____________________________ and the shrinkage of the cell can cause a ________________________.


Rachel Watson, M.S.
AG 5010
Cell: 307-314-9636