THE VIRTUAL EDGE: Lab 22 Immunology

Ouchterlony Gel Diffusion Procedure:

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  1. The Ouchterlony plates are already poured and the wells have been punched out.  In order to suck the plugs from the wells, attach a Pasteur pipet to a vacuum flask.  Carefully suck the plugs from the wells.  Take caution to only remove agarose from the wells and not from the surrounding area.


2.   From the side bench, collect one tube containing antigen, (bovine serum albumin (BSA)) diluted 1:2. Collect a second tube containing antibody to BSA (a-BSA). Finally, collect a third tube containing sterile saline.

3. Prepare a serial dilution of antigen (BSA).  Collect 6 Eppendorf (eppi or microcentrifuge) tubes and label them #1 through #6.

a.   Dispense 50 mL of saline (0.85% NaCl) into each of the 6 tubes labeled #1 - #6.  Use a P200 pipetman.  It is not necessary to change pipet tips between tubes as the solution is being dispensed into sterile, empty microcentrifuge tubes.

b.   Transfer 50 mL of antigen to tube #1.  Draw the solution up and down gently 4-5 times in order to mix the solution and rinse the pipet.  Do this gently to avoid making bubbles!!!!

c.     Using a new pipet tip, transfer 50 mL from tube #1 to tube #2.  Mix as in step b. 

d.     Using another new pipet tip, transfer 50 mL from tube #2 to tube #3.  Mix.  Proceed the same way until the last tube is mixed.  Discard pipet tips appropriately.

d.   This series of two-fold dilutions will generate the following:

Tube:         #1        #2        #3        #4        #5        #6

Dilution:    1/4       1/8       1/16     1/32     1/64     1/128

  1. Label the bottom of an Ouchterlony plate; use the diagram below.

  1. With a P20 pipetman, dispense 10 mL of the diluted antigen into the outer wells as labeled.  If you start with the 1/128 dilution and continue to the 1/4 dilution you can use the same tip for all the antibody samples.

5.   With a clean pipet tip, fill the center well with 10 mL of antibody (a-BSA).

6.   Be careful not to disturb the fluid in the wells.  Incubate, right side up, for 48 hours at room temperature in a humidified chamber (Tupperware with moistened paper towels in the bottom).



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Rachel Watson, M.S.
AG 5010
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©2007 Christine Boggs & Rachel Watson