Research projects of Stefan Heinz
Simulation Methods: Development of simulation
methods for real turbulent flows: Continuous Eddy
Simulation (CES)
- mathematically
consistent (continuous variations of modeled & resolved modes)
- continuously
reliable, stably applicable up to huge Reynolds numbers
- applicable to
several basic problems (typical aerospace flows, wind energy mesoscale to microscale coupling)
Probabilistic, Variational, and
Data Analysis of Turbulent Flows: References
Funded Research Projects
- CoPI: High-Fidelity
Computational Tools for Arrays of Large Modern Aeroelastic
Wind Turbines (U.S. Department of Energy, Sept. 2024 - Aug.
2028, $965,236).
- PI: Mesoscale
to Microscale Coupling Using Continuous Eddy Simulation - Extension (NSF, Jan. 2024 - Dec. 2024, $62,914).
- PI: Five
Questions for Wind Energy Related Computing (School
of Computing Faculty Fellow Program, July 2024 - June 2025,
- PI: Machine Learning for Turbulent Flow Analysis
and Simulation: Teaching and Research (Wyoming
NASA Space Grant Faculty Education Grant and School of Computing Grant,
June 2024 - May 2025, $10,000).
- PI: A
New Generation of Resolving Simulation Methods for Turbulent Reacting
Flows (CEPS Interdisciplinary-Collaborative
Seed Grants, July 2023 - June 2024, $22,631).
Funded Research Projects
- PI: Mesoscale
to Microscale Coupling Using Continuous Eddy Simulation (NSF, Jan. 2022 - Dec. 2023, $324,827).
- CoPI: Resource
Recovery and Environmental Protection in Wyoming Greater Green River Basin
Using Selective Nanostructured Membranes (DOE, Jan. 2020 - May 2022,
- PI: Machine Learning for Turbulent Flow Analysis,
Modeling, and Simulation (Wyoming
NASA Space Grant Faculty Education Grant and School of Computing Grant,
June 2022 - May 2023, $20,000).
- PI: Mathematical
Foundations of Future Turbulent Flow Simulations (NSF, Sept. 2016 - Aug. 2021, $249,987).
- PI: A&S 2020‐21 Faculty
Research and Creative Activity Award (University of Wyoming, Nov. 2020 -
June 2021, $3,545).
- PI: Advanced Simulation Methods for Wind Energy Applications - Extension
(UW Energy GA Fellowship (Sept. 2018 - May 2020, $50,356).
- PI: Turbulence
Structure Preserving Unified and Dynamic Large Eddy Simulation of
Separated Flows (NASA, Aug. 2012 - Feb. 2017, $508,321).
- PI: Advanced Simulation Methods for Wind Energy Applications (UW Energy
GA Fellowships 2015-17, Sept. 2015 - May 2017, $50,356).
- PI: Consistent Multi-Scale Wind Energy Simulations (UW Energy GA
Fellowships 2014-15, Sept. 2014 - May 2016, $56,888).
- CoPI:
Stochastic Equations for Complex Systems: Theory and Applications, UW
Summer School (NSF, March 2014 - Feb. 2015, $46,374).
- PI: Stochastic Equations for Complex
Systems: Theory and Applications, UW Summer School (IMA, May 2014 - June
2014, $4,500).
- CoPI: Stochastic Equations for Complex Systems: Theory and
Applications, UW Summer School (RMMC, May 2014 - June 2014, $12,000).
- CoPI: Stochastic Equations for Complex Systems: Theory and
Applications, UW Summer School (NCAR, May 2014 - June 2014, $12,000).
- CoPI: Stochastic Equations
for Complex Systems: Theory and Applications, UW
Summer School
(UW Research Office, May 2014 - June 2014, $8,000).
- PI: An Order-of-Magnitude Enhancement of Wind Farm
Power Density (School of Energy Resources, University of Wyoming, Aug.
2012 -Aug. 2014, $52,730).
- PI: Computational Methods for Wind Energy Applications
(National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), May 2013 - Oct. 2013,
- PI: Unified RANS - LES Simulation of Wind Farm Flow
Fields and Wind Turbine Loads - Extension (School of Energy Resources,
University of Wyoming, May 2013 - June 2013, $3,760)
- PI: Unified URANS -LES Simulation of Wind Farm Flow
Fields and Wind Turbine Loads (School of Energy Resources, University of
Wyoming, Sept. 2011 -Aug. 2012, $48,207)
- PI: A Unified Multiscale Simulation Method for Wind
Energy Applications (School of Energy Resources, University of Wyoming,
July 2011 -June 2012, $13,360)
- PI: A New Concept for the Gasification of Wyoming Coal
- Extension (School of Energy Resources, University of Wyoming, Sept. 2009
- Sept. 2011, $62,212)
- PI: Numerical Simulation of the Flow Field in a Wind
Farm Using a Unified URANS-LES Model (School of Energy Resources,
University of Wyoming, Sept. 2010 -Aug. 2011, $54,011)
- PI: Multi-Scale Simulation of Turbulent Wakes in
Windmill Farms (School of Energy Resources, University of Wyoming, Sept.
2009 - Aug. 2010, $57,133)
- PI: Computational Predictions of Multi-Scale Flows
(School of Energy Resources, University of Wyoming, Aug. 2008 - Aug. 2009,
- PI: A New Concept for the Gasification of Wyoming Coal
(School of Energy Resources, University of Wyoming, Aug. 2007 - Aug. 2009,
- CoPI: Integrated
Computational/Experimental Study of Turbulence Modification and Mixing
Enhancement in Swirling Jets (DEPSCoR Project
DODAF41603, Sept. 2005 - Sept. 2008, $471,077)
- PI: Basic Research Grant (University of Wyoming, Dec.
2006 - Jan. 2007, $2,000)
- PI: PDF Methods for Premixed and Non-Premixed Turbulent
Combustion (DFG Transferbereich 42, Jan. 2004 -
Nov. 2006, EUR149,400)
Methods for the Prognosis of Turbulent Supersonic Combustion (DFG, SFB
255, TP A2, Jan. 2002 - Dec. 2003, DM282,400)