A Plan A degree is a traditional research-based Master's program that requires the student develop and complete a research project, and to successfully defend a written thesis. Refer to the Master's admissions guidelines for minimum requirements.
Plan A Credit Allocation (30 hours minimum - all at 4000 level minimum)
The Plan A thesis document must be presented to the committee and an advertisement must be posted two weeks prior to the defense date. A poster describing the research work must be completed and approved by the student's major professor before the Graduation/Title Form will be signed by the department head.
The following documentation is associated with the plan A option:
In addition to the above course work, the student must pass a final oral examination in defense of his or her thesis work. The presentation portion is advertised and is open to the public.
The student is highly encouraged to submit at least one paper to a peer-reviewed conference or journal describing the student's thesis work and to participate in the UW Graduate Student Symposium describing the student's thesis work.
View the full list of admission requirements >