Speakers and monitors set up in front of miked amps and microphones at Simpsons Plaza

Welcome to Student Technical Services

Student Technical Services, a program of the Associated Students of UW Student Government, serves students by elevating the technology profile for events at the Wyoming Union. We provide PA systems for banquets, concerts, public speakers, and more. Our lighting and projection equipment can be tailored to your needs for almost any event. If you are interested in reserving our services scroll down and select the group you best represent and complete a request form. We will review your request and touch base with you as soon as possible.

Mission Statement

The mission of Students Technical Services (STS) is to serve the students of the University of Wyoming (UW) by providing production technologies, programming, and event consultation to create a platform for expanding student ideas, enhancing the impact of presentations and performances, and developing co-curricular education. STS exists as an impartial, non-discriminatory assistance group and partner to qualifying student-oriented groups in order to add professionalism to events, boost student morale, and to promote safe, entertaining, and educational events. Through STS, students learn to appreciate individual differences and similarities, personal responsibility, and effective communication; develop skills to think objectively and critically, develop citizenship skills, gain greater self-understanding; and to enhance their feelings of engagement, belonging, and loyalty at UW.


Student Technical Services services exists to serve the students of the University of Wyoming. This is outlined in ASUW Senate Bills #2528, #2546, #2618, #2780, and #2790 (all accessible through the ASUW legislation archives, which can be found here).

STS requires any event request to be in no later than 2 business weeks before the event occurs. Additionally, STS reserves the right to deny services based on availability or coordinator discretion, such as if minimum requirements are not being met after approval initially happens.


Scope Reduction

In 2022, the ASUW Senate adjusted the scope of STS to refocus our core mission on the student experience. From now on, Student Technical Services will only be available for events hosted anywhere in the Wyoming Union or immediately adjacent outdoor areas, including Prexy’s Pasture and Simpson’s Plaza. Furthermore, all events must be student-centric - either run by a student organization or a UW department. Events that focus on staff, faculty, external stakeholders, etc. may no longer use STS services.