(Cattle in pastures, with the Uinta Mountains)

Fee Books


The policies outlined in this Website apply to the current fiscal year. All prior approvals of fees, charges, and deposits are
repealed effective July 1 except as to rights or obligations previously acquired or incurred there under.
The fees, charges, fines, penalties, refunds, and deposits are subject to change without notice.
Publication of fees, charges, refunds, and deposits in the University of Wyoming Fee Book is required prior to charging
fees. Exceptions may be granted by the Vice President for Administration.



The Trustees of the University of Wyoming, a constitutional body, are responsible for the "management of the university"(Wyoming Constitution, Article 7, 17). The Trustees "possess all the powers necessary or convenient to accomplish the objects and perform the duties prescribed by law and shall have custody of the books, records, buildings and all other property of the university" (W.S. 21-17-203). The Trustees may "(e)xpend the income placed under their control from whatever source derived, and exercise all other functions properly belonging to such a board and necessary to the prosperity of the university and all its departments" (W.S. 21-17-204).


Per the University of Wyoming Regulation 7-11, "Student tuition, fees, and charges (“Fees”) and related policies and procedures shall be established by the Board of Trustees in the University Fee Book. The President, through the Office of Financial Affairs, shall maintain and publish the Fee Book.

Therefore, pursuant to constitutional and statutory provisions, the Trustees are responsible for the establishment of all
fees, charges, and deposits assessed, and refunds afforded to individuals applying for admission to the university, enrolled students, university employees, and the general public. Such fees shall be reasonable and prudent for the adequate protection and control of university funds, equipment, facilities services and materials.

Failure to Pay Fees, Charges, Fines, Penalties

A student failing to pay fees, charges, fines, penalties, or deposits as prescribed by the Trustees of the University of
Wyoming shall be denied registration at the university or copies of transcripts until such fees, charges, fines, penalties, or
deposits are paid in full. A non-student failing to pay fees, charges, fines, penalties, or deposits as prescribed by the
Trustees of the University of Wyoming shall be denied use of University facilities and services until such fees, charges,
fines, penalties, or deposits are paid in full. Procedures for adjudication of disputes over payment of fees, charges, fines,
penalties, or deposits shall be prescribed by the Vice President for Administration. 


Fees, Charges, and Deposits, Student Media

The Trustees delegate the authority for the establishment of advertising, subscription and related rates or charges for
student media, including the Branding Iron, Frontiers Magazine, and Owen Wister Review, to the Student Media Board.
Rates or charges established by the Student Media Board shall be filed annually with the Office of the Vice President for
Administration and published in the Fee Book.

Internal Fees, Charges, and Deposits

The Vice President for Administration, with approval by the Trustees, is authorized to establish fees, charges, or deposits
for interdepartmental purposes. In no case shall the assessment of such fee, charge, or deposit exceed the direct cost plus
reasonable administrative overhead.

Facility Rental Fees

Non-university users of campus facilities will be assessed a 10 percent surcharge on rental fees. Any surcharge will be
deposited into a separate account earmarked for maintenance, and under the control of the Director of Physical Plant.
For self-sustaining facilities rented to external users, surcharges will be deposited to an account similarly designated.

The following rental fee structure will be used.

Description of Classifications

 Qualifying groups and activities include UW recognized student clubs and organizations, faculty or staff work-related meetings, or fund-raising activities or other activities not involving commercial entities.

Non-profit organizations and Wyoming state agencies sponsored by a recognized student organization or UW 6 department, with participants who are primarily students, faculty and staff qualify under this category.

State of Wyoming Legislative and Agency meetings or functions are exempt from facility/meeting room fees. 

Qualifying groups and activities include University departments, recognized student clubs and organizations co-sponsoring events with commercial entities or events where admission is charged.

Non-profit organizations and Wyoming state agencies, not primarily involving students, faculty and staff and regional or national student or department educational conferences qualify under this category

Commercial off-campus groups.

Other Provisions

The purpose of this policy is to allow University departments to recover direct costs, and reasonable indirect costs, for use of University facilities, equipment, services or materials as set forth in the following paragraph.

The Trustees' authority to establish fees is delegated to the Vice President for Administration to set casual food service
rates in the University food service operations, resale of items in the University Bookstore, various telecommunication
rates, and other resale activities. Fees will not be authorized for items nor shall this provision be construed, in any way, to avoid the Trustees' authority to establish fees.

Contact Us

Division of Budget & Finance

Physical Location:

Old Main, Room 202H

1000 E. University Ave.

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: 307-766-4833

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