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    Chemical and Biomedical Engineering

    EN 4055

    Dept. 3295

    1000 E. University Ave.

    Laramie, WY 82071

    Phone: (307)766-2500


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    J. Ackerman

    Adjunct Professor of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering and Energy and Petroluem Engineering
    Room 4034, Engineering Building
    University of Wyoming
    College of Engineering and Physical Sciences
    Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering & Energy and Petroleum Engineering
    Dept. 3295
    1000 E. University Avenue
    Laramie, WY 82071 
    Phone: 307.766.2566



    • B.S. in Chemistry - June 1974 - University of Wyoming, Laramie WY
    • Ph.D. in Chemistry Oct. 1976 - Brown University, Providence, RI
    Research Experience

    Post-Doctoral Studies

    Oct. 1976-July 1977
    Université de Bordeaux & Labo. de CNRS, Bordeaux, France
    Dir. & Prof. Paul Hagenmuller
    Synthesis of Mixed Valence Copper/Iron Fluorides
    E.I.DuPont de Nemours &Co. July 1977-Dec. 1980
    Central Research and Developement
    Wilmington, De
    Solid State Chemistry and Physics Lab
    Synthesis and Structural Studies of X-ray Scintillators, pigments, Iron based intercalates, Syngas catalysts, and Infinitely Adaptive Structures
    General Electric Co. Dec. 1980- present
    Corporate Research and Developement
    Niskayuna, NY and GEAE Cincinnati, OH
    Research Activities:
    Preparation of scintillators for CT solid state detectors & high mobility semiconductors.
    Preparation of thin film dielectric mirrors via CVD for lighting applications.
    Chemical Vapor Deposition of refractory oxides & semiconductors for SP-100 space power generator, Synthesis and Characterization of high speed scintillators
    Preparation of high efficiency, high selectivity incandescent filaments, Characterization of turbomachinery combustor coatings
    Preparation of coatings for power generation heat exchangers
    Synthesis of quantum splitting phosphors for No-Hg fluorescent lamps.


    1. J.B. Milstein, J.Ackerman, S.L.Holt, and B.R. McGarvey, Electronic Structure of Chromium V and Manganese V in Phosphate and Vanadate Hosts, Inorg. Chem. 1972, 11, 1178
    2. J.F. Ackerman, E.M. Holt, and S.L. Holt, 5°K Crystal Spectra of Nickel II Chloride and Nickel II Bromide, Inorg. Chem.1972, 11, 3118
    3. J Ackerman and S.L. Holt, Physical Properties of Some Linear Chain Systems I, J. Solid State Chem., 1974, 9, 179
    4. F.M. Cole, J.F. Ackerman, and S.L. Holt, Physical Properties of Some Transition Metal Compounds of the AMX3 Type, Inorganica Chem. Acta., 1974, 8, 323
    5. A Findley, D.M. Schleich, J.F. Ackerman, and A. Wold, Crystal Growth and Characterization of Platinum Sulfide, Pt0.87S2, Mat. Res. Bulletin, 1974, 9, 1655
    6. J. Ackerman, E. Kostiner, and A. Wold, The preparation and Characterization of the Copper Iron Germanium Sulfide Solid Solution Series CuFexGe1-xS2, J. Solid State Chem. 1976, 19, 1401
    7. J.F. Ackerman and A. Wold, The Preparation and Characterization of the Cobalt Skutterudites, J. Phys. Chem Solids, 1977, 38, 1013
    8. J Ackerman, B Chevalier, L Fournes, and F. Menil, Study of Sodium Iron III Fluoride by Moessbauer Resonance and Low Temperature Dilatometry, Rev. Chim. Minerale, 1979,16, 433.
    9. J.F.Ackerman, New [K2NiF4] Compounds with Mixed B-ions, Mat. Res. Bulletin, 1979, 14, 487
    10. J. F. Ackerman and L. Brixner, Rare Earth Fluorescence in Some LnOCl Type Hosts, J. Luminescence, 1981, 26,1
    11. J.F. Ackerman, The Preparation of Fluorochlorides with the PbBiO2Cl Structure, Mat. Res. Bulletin, 1982, 17, 883
    12. J.F. Ackerman, Preparation and Luminescence of Pb2OFX (X=Cl, Br, I), Mat. Res. Bulletin, 1983, 18, 1129
    13. J.F. Ackerman, Preparation and Luminescence of Some [K2PtCl6] Materials. Mat. Res. Bulletin, 1984, 19, 783
    14. J.F. Ackerman, The Structures of Bi3PbWO8Cl and Bi4NbO8Cl and the Evolution of the Bipox Structural Series. J. Solid State Chem. 1986, 62, 92
    15. J.F. Ackerman, Lithium Intercalation of WO2Cl2, Mat. Res. Bulletin, 1988, 12 165
    16. J.F. Ackerman, The Preparation and Structures of the Alkaline Earth Iron Oxyhalides, J. Solid State Chem., 1991, 92, 496
    17. A.M. Srivastava and J.F. Ackerman, Synthesis and Luminescence Properties of Cesium Niobium Oxide Fluoride, Cs2NbOF5, and Cesium Niobium Oxide Chloride, Cs2NbOCl5, with Isolated (NbOX5)-2 X=F, Cl Octahedra. Mat. Res. Bulletin, 1991, 26, 443
    18. A.M. Srivastava and J.F. Ackerman, Structure and Luminescence of Cesium Tungstate Fluoride, Cs 2WO2F4; Efficient Luminescence of Isolated (WO2F4)-2 octahedra. J. Solid State Chem., 1992, 98, 144
    19. A.M. Srivastava and J.F. Ackerman, Synthesis and Luminescence Properties of Barium Niobium Oxide Fluoride, BaNbOF5, with isolated (NbOF5)-2 Octahedra, Chem. Mater., 1992, 4, 1011
    20. J. Bradt, A.J. Dean, and J. F. Ackerman, Deposit Formation from No. 2 Distillate at Gas Turbine Conditions, Trans. of the ASME, July 1996
    21. C. Knight, J. Carnahan, J.F. Ackerman, and K. Janora, Jet Fuel Oxidation and Deposition: Chemistry and Implications for the Use as a Heat Sink, , Trans. of the ASME July 1996
    • 24 US Patents
    • 8 Internal GE Technical Reports
    • GECRD - Dushman Award 1991
    • IR-100 Award 1991-- Infrared Reflecting Incandescent Lamps
    • NY State Governors Award for Energy Development 1992
    • Sigma Xi
    • Phi Beta Kappa
    • Phi Kappa Phi
    • Associate Editor "Materials Research Bulletin" 1990-1995
    Contact Us

    Chemical and Biomedical Engineering

    EN 4055

    Dept. 3295

    1000 E. University Ave.

    Laramie, WY 82071

    Phone: (307)766-2500


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