Civil and Architectural Engineering and Construction Management
EN 3074
Dept. 3295
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307)766-2390
Associate Professor of Civil Engineering
Room 3095, Engineering Building
University of Wyoming
College of Engineering and Physical Sciences
Department of Civil & Architectural Engineering
Dept. 3295
1000 E. University Avenue
Laramie, WY 82071
Office Phone: 307.766.4224
Fax Number: 307.766.4444
Research Interest
My current research interests are in the areas of theoretical fracture mechanics, reinforced concrete, and structural rehabilitation and monitoring.
Theoretical Fracture Mechanics
My work in fracture mechanics stems from my dissertation research and focuses on interfacial cracks and subsurface fatigue cracks. I have two publications in this area and am planning a future paper on the response of a micro-thin layer subjected to a rigid indenter. This future paper would eventually be applied in testing thin-film depositions used to enhance wear characteristics.
Reinforced Concrete
I have done projects on self-compacting concrete, concrete, concrete constitutive parameters, and object-oriented programming for reinforced concrete. I have published one paper on self-compacting concrete and one on an efficient manner of representing concrete constitutive data. Future work includes evaluating the tensile strength, creep, and shrinkage characteristics of self-compacting concrete. I am in the process of developing an object-oriented library for reinforced concrete section analysis. This software development has resulted in two M.S. students. I plan to continue developing this library in the future.
Structural Rehabilitation
Lastly, my work on structural rehabilitation is in two main areas, heat-straightening repair of damaged steel beams and degradation of concrete beams repaired with Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP). My collaborating with Richard Avent in the area of heat-straightening repair of damaged steel beams has resulted in nine publications. Future work in this area includes investigation of the effect of heat-straightening on fracture and fatigue properties of the steel. I am also working with a researcher in Mechanical Engineering on Fiber Reinforced Plastic degradation. We have a paper pending on the experimental setup and are finishing a manuscript on analyzing the stiffness degradation of the FRP when subjected to ultraviolet light, heat, and moisture. Future work planned in this area includes developing a rational accelerated testing method for determining the durability of FRP subjected to environmental attack. We would also like to correlate the degradation in FRP strength. These results could then be applied to health monitoring of FRP-retrofit beams.
Academic Experience
Courses Taught
List of Recent Publications
Refereed Journal Articles
Civil and Architectural Engineering and Construction Management
EN 3074
Dept. 3295
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307)766-2390