UW debate team sitting together and smiling

Wyoming Speech and Debate

Wyoming Debate Union

The Wyoming Speech and Debate Team, otherwise known as UW Debate, is a co-curricular activity sponsored by the Department of Communication and Journalism and the College of Arts and Sciences. Participation is open to any undergraduate student. The team travels nationally to from fifteen to twenty intercollegiate tournaments each academic year. UW is a member of the Cross Examination Debate Association (CEDA), The National Debate Tournament (NDT), and the College Public Forum Debate League (CPFL). Team members compete in two-person debates in policy (NDT-CEDA) and public forum (CPFL) debate formats. The team also hosts on-campus events including public debates, intercollegiate tournaments, and high school and college summer workshops.


The University of Wyoming's Speech and Debate tradition began around 1912, with the formulation of a triangular debate league with teams in Colorado. The Pokes were the first regional team to demand successfully the inclusion of women in debate competition, and UW has been a dominant national presence in intercollegiate debate for the past eight decades.

UW Debate Resources

UW Debate's blog Wyoming Debate Roundup is dedicated to providing quality debate content to Wyoming and Rocky Mountain area high school debaters. The Wyoming Forensics Institute is a summer debate camp open to all high school students throughout the country. Debaters of all skill levels are welcome.

Academic Excellence

UW Debate operates under the premise that intercollegiate debate is a uniquely rewarding educational experience, enhanced by competitive success and ethical conduct. Commitment and excellence are the foundation of a quality program. Debate is an activity designed to enhance the student's academic experience and to complement the curriculum. Be mindful that academic coursework is the highest priority for the college student. To be eligible for team travel, the student must maintain a 2.5 grade point average and be in good standing in all coursework. Course Credit and scholarships are available for debate participation.

Interested in debating for Wyoming or have other questions about UW Debate? Email cojoofc@uwyo.edu


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