--Janel Seeley
News, Features, and Updates
Members of the campus community are invited to join the ECTL Assessment Team and University Assessment Coordinators in celebrating successes in assessment for student learning at UW. Session offerings include assessment coffee and conversations, connections for student success, course-level assessment, and a panel discussion considering institutional assessment processes and progress.
There are many ways to engage in the Assessment Academy - in-person attendance in Coe 511, via Zoom or receive a recording.
More information to come soon!
The ECTL subscribes to the Magna Publications weekly 20-Minute Monday Morning Mentor series. These video-based programs are designed to answer a specific question related to teaching and learning. They deliver actionable insights in highly focused 20-minute presentations designed to fit busy schedules.
Each week a new program becomes available Monday mornings. The program is available for on-demand viewing for one full week.
Sign up at any time! We will email you the log-in information the Monday they become available. Please only register for sessions that occur after the current date.
Programs denoted with * are still in production and will be finalized shortly. Thank you!
Calling those with an adventurist spirit and an affinity for student learning!
There have been many innovations in education. We moved from classrooms to Zoom and back again. We have learned to teach effectively in synchronous and asynchronous, online environments. We have explored and implemented active, team-based, collaborative, project-based, problem-based pedagogy in our classrooms, increasing students’ engagement and learning. We have learned how games and game theory can be used to increase student engagement in class materials. In short, we have transformed education in many ways.
Now let us explore and examine one of the foundations of our educational system - grades. What do they mean? Are they effective? Why do we give them?
Ungrading is more than just not giving grades, in fact our current system requires that we give grades. Ungrading is a way of thinking to assist students in their learning in ways that transcend grades.
Join us for a learning community where we will explore the ins, outs, and alternatives to traditional grading.
We offer drop-in support hours every week to consult about a wide range of curriculum and pedagogy questions, explore more advanced uses of WyoCourses, or get a refresher about the basic WyoCourses tools. Drop-in support is open to all UW instructors and no appointment is necessary.
Mondays and Thursdays 2:00-4:00p
Want to revise an assignment, adjust a syllabus, or review a set of course evaluations? Interested in feedback from an independent classroom observation? We provide a variety of consultations to help you revise a course with the goal of improving student learning. All consultations are confidential unless otherwise arranged.
The ECTL and the Office of Online & Continuing Education partner with instructors to develop engaging online courses that meet UW Online Course Design Standards. For more information about the cycle and to learn how to participate in it, please review our Online Course Design Cycle page.
Members of the UW campus community are invited to join the ECTL Assessment Team and University Assessment Coordinators in celebrating successes in assessment for student learning at UW. Attendees will engage with colleagues to share ideas and informed practices in assessment for student learning.
The Summer Institute is founded on the model of the Great Teachers Movement, which is based on the philosophy that well-facilitated shoptalk is one of the highest forms of professional development. No individual "expert" can match the collective knowledge, experience, wisdom, creativity, and genius of any group of teachers actively involved in their profession. The participants are the "experts" at the retreat.
The John P. Ellbogen Summer Institute is funded by an endowment from the Ellbogen Foundation and the Ellbogen Center for Teaching and Learning.
In collaboration with the Office of Academic Affairs, the ECTL is offering a workshop to help programs work through curriculum maps, looking at student learning outcomes (SLOs), courses offered, mapping student learning, and so on. Some programs will be better equipped to complete curriculum maps than others, thus this session will attempt to meet programs where they are in a workshop format where many templates for mapping will be utilized.
This workshop focuses on the MOST ESSENTIAL tools to get your WyoCourses class websites up and running as quickly as possible! This session will give you hands-on assistance setting up the basic functionality for your course.
The ECTL SoTL Initiative invites 10-12 University of Wyoming Instructors (faculty, staff, and graduate teaching assistants are encouraged to apply) who are interested in SoTL to attend the Kennesaw State University 31th Annual Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Summit. This will take place September 19th-20th, 2024.
In conjunction with the SoTL Summit Watch Party, on September 20 from 12:30 -1:30 pm, Members of the campus academic community are invited to celebrate and discuss the work of our own SoTL scholars and graduate students on teaching and learning. This is an opportunity to share ideas, discuss findings, and reflect on student learning.
Every other year (odd years), the Ellbogen Center for Teaching & Learning chooses
a book relevant to faculty, staff, and administrators of the University of Wyoming
to discuss in-depth. Each participant who registers receives a complimentary copy
of the book. There are several groups available, each typically capped at 10 participants
to provide an environment where conversation and communication can be most effective.
Those who participate in the discussion sessions are often invited to an event with
the author the following Fall semester.
Past book choices have been Radical Hope: A Teaching Manifesto by Kevin M. Gannon, and Relationship-Rich Education: How Human Connections Drive Success in College by Peter Felten and Leo M. Lambert.
These half-day events feature UW educators and ECTL educational developers sharing innovative teaching strategies that significantly impact student learning. Presentations may include strategies that engage with digital communication, inclusive pedagogy, critical thinking, community service, and assessing student learning.
Attendees are welcome to attend for the entire half-day (lunch provided), sporadically as schedules allow, or request video recordings of workshop sessions.
This 1.5 hour workshop will introduce you to the basics of bullet journaling and how to adapt it to the unique needs of grad student life.
The ECTL subscribes to the Magna Publications weekly 20-Minute Monday Morning Mentor series. These video-based programs are designed to answer a specific question related to teaching and learning. They deliver actionable insights in highly focused 20-minute presentations designed to fit busy schedules. Note: Our subscription only allows access to the weekly programs during the week they are available (Monday through Sunday) and not before or after.
Current assessment activities include information on a range of projects and activities recently completed or currently underway to gauge student learning, make improvements, or respond to accountability interests.
National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment. (2021). NILOA Current Assessment Activities
SoTL (The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning) is defined at UW as "Systematic inquiry into student learning by integrating the experience of teaching and prior scholarship on teaching and learning and making the findings appropriately public. Thus, building a SoTL community which leads to the assessment and enhancement of student learning."
Every year we offer and promote educational development opportunism for new instructors in part funded by an endowment by the John P. Ellbogen Foundation. These include a New Faculty Learning Community and New Faculty Book Bags.
The ECTL recognizes that graduate students play an important part in the UW teaching and learning community. We encourage students to utilize our programs and resources to develop their knowledge, skills, and abilities as instructors.
Every year we offer and promote educational development opportunities for Graduate Teaching Assistants which are funded through an endowment from the John P. Ellbogen Foundation.
We have worked hard to develop a limited, curated list of links and resources within this Knowledge Base. You can also find links to other resources in other sections of our ECTL website--so if you can’t find what you’re looking for here, please reach out to us for help: wyocourses-inst@uwyo.edu
The ECTL library provides access to a range of resources about teaching and learning. Our books cover a wide variety of subjects and themes and include many of the most well-liked and well-respected books about teaching and learning. All books are available for checkout and can be shipped to off-campus faculty at their location.
Breakout EDU is an immersive learning games platform that brings collaboration to both remote and in-person learning. Breakout EDU games consist of a combination of physical and digital puzzle elements that must be solved in a set amount of time. Players of all ages are challenged to open the locked Breakout EDU box using critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity.
To facilitate your growth as an effective instructor for UW's students, we provide this Graduate Teaching Assistant Handbook as an introduction to your training in pedagogy. We also provide our students a range of learning opportunities and environments. Learning takes place in traditional classrooms, studios, and laboratories, and also n the field and in the community. UW's most effective teachers are constantly learning by testing new strategies and approaches to covey topics to facilitate higher levels of understanding within their students. Because students learn most effectively when they are actively engaged, university educators learn to employ a range of strategies to facilitate student learning. In this handbook, you will find a number of these strategies and approaches. Some will work for you, some will not fit your particular uses. Pick and choose wisely, for that is the role of the effective instructional graduate assistant.
Looking to innovate your online teaching delivery style? If the answer is yes, the ECTL Lightboard Studio may be for you! With CARES funding, the Ellbogen Center for Teaching & Learning (ECTL) has acquired a new teaching tool that lets you create innovative, fun and engaging videos. It can be used for lecture as well as supplemental videos.
To facilitate the growth of effective instructors, we have gathered and developed the following strategies and approaches that recognize the responsibility instructors have to provide students a range of learning opportunities and environments. We have also included information about important legal and ethical responsibilities that instructors need to be aware of, career development materials, and other helpful information.
We are excited to share with you our newly designed newsletter, The ECTL Pedagogical Post! This newsletter shares teaching tips and spotlights faculty and graduate teaching assistants doing great work, important campus collaborations and partnerships, and any other timely or interesting information.
divisions & Initiatives