Healthier Wyoming Logo and photos of Wyoming Citizens

Healthier Wyoming


In partnership with the Wyoming Department of Health Chronic Disease Prevention Program, WyCOA's Healthier Wyoming Iniatitive works to guide public health professionals and communities in taking action, advancing health equity, and reversing the epidemic of diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.  The goal of the Healthier Wyoming website is to empower all Wyoming residents to take charge of their health by providing a comprehensive directory of chronic disease prevention and management resources throughout the state.

About Evidence-Based Programs

Evidence-based programs offer proven ways to promote health and prevent disease. These programs are research backed, and provide proven health benefits. Evidence-based programs are based on rigorous study and consistently show positive health changes.

Why You Should Use Evidence-Based Programs

Because evidence-based programs are based on rigorous research, you can trust that they will work! Evidence-based programs educate and empower participants. You will learn important health information, including strategies for managing chronic conditions, and be empowered to take control of your health to live your best, healthiest, and most fulfilling life!

Evidence-Based Programs Include


News and Healthier WY Highlights!

  • Blood Pressure

    Wyoming Library Blood Pressure Cuff Checkout Program

    Self-measured blood pressure monitoring (SMBP) kits are now available for checkout through the Wyoming County Library System. The kits are available in both English and Spanish and include the following: a clinically validated, automated, home blood pressure cuff, blood pressure logbooks, educational materials from the American Heart Association including “How to Measure Your Blood Pressure at Home” infographics, information on what blood pressure is, and ideas for healthy lifestyle changes.

  • Providers

    Education for Providers

    Offered by Healthier WY!

    Topics include: Reducing the Risk of Heart Attacks and Strokes, Re-establishing Team Based Care Workflows: Creativity that Leads to Sustainability, Your Heart Matters- Bringing Awareness of the Risks for Cardiovascular and Lipid Disease to Help Improve Client Outcomes, and more!

    How Can Healthier Wyoming Support you?  JOIN THE WYCOA EMAIL LISTSERVE for the latest WyCOA information, events and updates!

  • funding

    Funding Opportunities

    Offered from the Wyoming Department of Health, Chronic Disease Prevention Program.

    The Chronic Disease Prevention Program works with federal agencies, state programs, and community partners to help address the risk factors associated with chronic diseases like diabetes and hypertension. We work to make sure that the healthy choice is the easy choice for Wyoming communities.

  • conference

    Upcoming Conferences

    Brought to you by: the Wyoming coordinating body of ADCES

    Join us for Wyoming's premiere cardiovascular and diabetes prevention and management conference featuring an all-star cast of doctors speaking on topics that matter to Wyoming. All are welcome.

Healthier Wyoming Map Key and Program Locations



Healthier WY Team and Regions


HW TeamMap



Contact Us Today!

Healthier Wyoming at the Wyoming Center on Aging

Dept. 3415, 1000 E. University Ave. Laramie, WY 82071

307-766-2829 | 307-766-2847 (fax)

Visit the Wyoming Center on Aging Home page!


How Can Healthier WY/WyCOA Support you?  JOIN THE WYCOA EMAIL LISTSERVE for the latest WyCOA information, events and updates!