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Human Resources - Employment

Campus: Hill Hall, 3rd Floor

Mail: 1000 E University Ave Dept 3422

Laramie, WY 82071

Office Hours: Monday - Friday

Regular: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Summer: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm


Phone: 307-766-2377

Fax: 307-766-5607

Email: recruit@uwyo.edu



The University of Wyoming seeks a Fisher Family Associate/Full Professor in Literacy Education

Click here to view position profile: https://summitsearchsolutions.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/UW_FisherFam_Prof_Lit_Ed_Profile.pdf

Location: Laramie, Wyoming 

The Position:

The University of Wyoming’s College of Education seeks a distinguished literacy scholar to serve as the Fisher Family Associate/Full Professor in Literacy Education, whose work is connected to the Literacy Research Center & Clinic. This named professor will join a vibrant, growing faculty and program that is moving toward national prominence in literacy education. The ideal candidate possesses a strong record of scholarship, extensive professional accomplishments, and a history of successful extramural funding.

In addition to a salary commensurate with the status of a high-profile, established scholar, this 9-month, full-time, tenure-track position provides access to discretionary funds to support research and teaching endeavors.

The Associate/Full Professor is charged with working closely with the LRCC Executive Director, the LRCC Senior Program Coordinator, literacy-endowed chairs, and literacy faculty, to provide visionary state and nationally-recognized scholarship and literacy professional development. This faculty member will travel extensively within the state to provide professional learning opportunities for Wyoming schools.

The Associate/Full Professor will join with other named positions in the College of Education (including a named Deanship, two endowed chairs in literacy education, as well as endowed chairs in special education, mathematics education, and early childhood education) to strengthen and expand the impact of literacy education in the College of Education, at the University, within the state, and throughout the nation. The named professor will play a leadership role in continuing to develop the LRCC; improving the College’s already excellent undergraduate and master’s programs; further developing a growing doctoral program; expanding opportunities for collaboration among faculty and students; increasing extramural funding and scholarly productivity; and expanding outreach to the state and the nation.

This position provides vital support to the campus community and requires the successful candidate to be available to work on campus.


  • Continue with an active scholarly line of inquiry and publication in the field of literacy.
  • Seek extramural funding for research and development in literacy education.
  • Recruit and advise graduate students in literacy education.
  • Teach literacy courses in the candidate’s areas of expertise.
  • Collaborate and work effectively with colleagues within and outside of the College.
  • Establish and maintain partnerships with professionals in public schools and non-governmental organizations.
  • Travel extensively within the state to provide professional learning opportunities for Wyoming schools.
  • Attend state and national literacy meetings/conferences, and collaborate with districts, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and community groups as needed to promote research-based literacy practices in Wyoming.


Minimum Experience/Credentials Required:

  • An earned doctorate in literacy education or a literacy-related field.
  • Earned rank of tenured associate or full professor at an accredited university.
  • A well-established record of early/emergent literacy research and scholarship commensurate with the rank of advanced associate or full professor.
  • Demonstrated effectiveness in collaborative engagement with colleagues.
  • Familiarity with the work associated with submitting external grants.
  • Demonstrated excellence in teaching and advising graduate students.
  • A commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusive excellence in all aspects of teaching and learning.
  • A willingness to serve as a literacy advocate and the capacity to travel across the state to promote high-quality, research-based literacy practices.
  • Valid driver's license with a motor vehicle record (MVR) that is compliant with the University Vehicle Use Policy.

Preferred Additional Qualifications:

  • A demonstrated track record of writing external grants and securing funds.
  • Expertise or experience with professional development.
  • Knowledge/understanding of research and practice pertaining to struggling readers (including dyslexia).

The Ideal Candidate Will Possess:

  • Strong literacy research and literacy professional development skills.
  • A demonstrated track record of establishing collaborative relationships/partnerships to promote literacy.
  • A research agenda relevant to literacy processes and education and including expertise in one or more of the following areas:
    • Birth through grade three literacy.
    • Literacy education for English learners or culturally diverse students.
    • Elementary literacy education, including developmental and disciplinary literacy.
    • Evaluation and instruction of students with literacy difficulties (including dyslexia).
  • The capacity to teach up to 9 credits (three courses) over the course of the academic year in addition to managing state-wide professional development responsibilities.


The University of Wyoming invites diverse applicants to consider its employment opportunities. UW is especially interested in candidates who have experience working with diverse populations and/or diversity initiatives.

UW offers a competitive salary and strong benefits including a retirement plan with a 14.19% University contribution (based on gross salary), excellent leave plans, (vacations, sick days, and holidays), a tuition waiver program, a recreation center discounted membership opportunity, and a variety of on-campus dining and banking services.

About the College of Education:

The College of Education shares in the land grant mission of the University of Wyoming and maintains an abiding commitment to the ongoing growth and vitality of educators and counselors across Wyoming. In this context, the College provides outstanding research-based programs leading to initial licensure and certification for the teachers, counselors, and leaders in Wyoming’s schools and mental health counselors in Wyoming’s rural communities. As importantly, the College’s programs provide essential support for teachers and counselors across the arc of their careers.

The College of Education develops and delivers cutting-edge instruction and professional support across Wyoming’s expansive geography, which presents unique opportunities for innovation in teaching and learning. The College’s work reflects this by incorporating globally innovative forms of competency-based learning, mentoring through communities of practice, and college and career readiness pathways which prepare educators for all settings and environments.

The College’s role in the state presents a singular opportunity for scholars committed to the large-scale impact of their scholarship while also providing a significant responsibility to be knowledgeable, engaged actors through their work and programs. As the only four-year, public institution in the state, members of the College of Education community bear the substantial weight of connecting research to practice informing policy and action directly. No university in the country enjoys such immediate access to the state-level policy environment.

The College has over 1,100 students studying across four baccalaureate program areas and eight graduate programs offering MS, Ph.D., and Ed.D. degrees, along with a range of post-graduate certificates in Counseling and Education. More than 50 full-time faculty, 20 professional staff, and 15 graduate assistants bring these programs to life. The College is home to the Wellspring Counseling Clinic, the Science & Mathematics Teaching Center, the Literacy Research Center and Clinic, the UW Early Care and Education Center, the Trustees Education Initiative, the Wyoming Early Childhood Outreach Network, and the Wyoming School-University Partnership. The College has more than 24,000 living alumni. More than 3,300 alumni currently work in Wyoming’s public schools.

The College of Education is currently led by the John P. Ellbogen Dean, Jenna Shim. Shim, a professor in the School of Teacher Education, has served as the associate dean for academic affairs and graduate studies in the University of Wyoming’s College of Education for the past three years. She joined the UW faculty in 2009 and has also served as associate director in the School of Education; program coordinator for the English as a Second Language (ESL) graduate program in the School of Teacher Education; and founder of the annual Wyoming ESL and DLI (dual language immersion) Conference. 

About the Literacy Research Center and Clinic:

The UW Literacy Research Center and Clinic (LRCC) serves as the epicenter for disseminating literacy knowledge and evidence-based practices in Wyoming. The LRCC offers professional development for practicing teachers, a clinical setting for preparing pre-service teacher candidates, and cutting-edge research conducted by faculty and graduate students on literacy education.

The LRCC houses a literacy clinic that provides programs, conferences, and educational opportunities to strengthen the community’s capacity to teach literacy effectively to students of all ages and levels. The Center provides tutoring opportunities for individual students. The Center works with teachers and schools as well as a growing number of educational organizations across Wyoming including school districts, statewide educational organizations that support libraries, and child development centers. Broad, statewide engagement is the thread that runs through all of the LRCC’s work.

About the University of Wyoming:

Nestled amid the beauty of two mountain ranges in southeastern Wyoming, you will find the nationally recognized teaching and research institution, the University of Wyoming (UW). Established as a land-grant institution in 1886 when Wyoming was still a territory, UW has since grown to nearly 200 areas of study, drawing approximately 12,000 students from all 50 states and 83 countries. UW is known for its accomplished faculty and world-class facilities, its low student/faculty ratio, and quality undergraduate and graduate programs within its colleges of Agriculture, Life Sciences and Natural Resources, Arts & Sciences, Business, Education, Engineering & Physical Sciences, Health Sciences, Law, and the Honors College, as well as the School of Energy Resources, School of Computing, and the Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources. To learn more, please visit http://www.uwyo.edu.

Throughout its existence, UW has been the only four-year public university in the state of Wyoming, though it maintains close relationships with the state’s eight community colleges. UW’s global impact begins with innovative undergraduate and graduate research opportunities and extends through state and federal partnerships and recent initiatives such as the Wyoming Institute for Humanities Research, the School of Energy Resources, and the School of Computing. UW has played important roles in the lives of students and Wyoming residents for 137 years. Outside Magazine identified Laramie as “the perfect affordable mountain town,” noting the cost of living; access to outdoor activities; food, art and culture; and the influence of UW, including its academic and other offerings. Furthermore, Wyoming ranked #5 in the U.S. News and World Report’s “Best States for Higher Education”. In the area of tuition and fees, Wyoming ranks No. 2 in part because of its low cost for University of Wyoming students. UW’s tuition and fees for resident undergraduates are the lowest in the nation among doctoral degree-granting institutions. The University community is working collaboratively to help the University reinforce and strengthen its reputation as it adapts to changing economic factors in the state and beyond. The University’s strategic roadmap, “Forward for Wyoming 2023+: A Strategic Plan for the University of Wyoming,” demonstrates that it is an exciting time to be a part of UW as the institution embarks on ambitious and impactful initiatives.

Location: Laramie, Wyoming, a town with approximately 31,000 people, has a unique blend of sophistication and Western hospitality. UW not only provides an environment for success but also offers varied academic and lifestyle opportunities. Named the “#1 Small College Town in America” by College Value Online, Laramie boasts a low cost of living with no state income tax, incredible outdoor recreational opportunities, an eclectic downtown, and a great public school system.

To Apply:

The University of Wyoming, in consultation with Summit Search Solutions, Inc., will begin a confidential review of application materials immediately and continue until the position is filled; parties who apply by October 16th will be given first consideration. Please submit a CV/resume and a letter of interest upon application. All applications and nominations will be held in confidence. To apply online, go to: https://theapplicantmanager.com/jobs?pos=su426


For more information or to offer recommendations or nominations:

Tammarah Townes

Senior Consultant

Summit Search Solutions, Inc.

Direct: (302) 388-9480


UW is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Educator and Employer (UW Reg 4-1). The University does not discriminate in employment or personnel practices on the basis of race, gender, religion, color, national origin, disability, age, protected veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, creed, ancestry, political belief, pregnancy, or any other protected category or participation in any protected activity. In compliance with the ADA Amendments Act (ADAAA), if you have a disability and would like to request an accommodation to apply for a position, please call 307-766-2377 or email jobapps@uwyo.edu. Review the Know Your Rights poster and its Supplement.


Pursuant to Wyoming State law, W.S. 19-14-102, as amended, an honorably discharged veteran who has been a resident of the state of Wyoming for one (1) year or more at any time prior to the date when the veteran applies for employment, or any surviving spouse who was married to such veteran at the time of the veteran’s death, who is receiving federal survivor benefits based on the veteran’s military service and is applying for employment, shall receive an interview preference during the applicant screening process with the University of Wyoming. At the time of application, the applicant must possess the business capacity, competency, education or other qualifications required for the position. If disabilities do not materially interfere with performance of job duties, disabled veterans will be given preference over able-bodied veterans. Appropriate documentation of veteran status must be provided at the time of application as outlined in the application process. No preference will be given to a veteran currently employed by a public department.


The University of Wyoming conducts background investigations for all final candidates being considered for employment. Offers of employment are contingent upon the completion of the background check.


Applicants with disabilities may request accommodation to complete the application and selection process. Please notify Human Resources at least three (3) working days prior to the date of need.

Application URL https://theapplicantmanager.com/jobs?pos=su426


The University of Wyoming seeks an Excellence Chair in Special Education/Full Professor

Click here to view position profile: https://summitsearchsolutions.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/UW_Chair_Special_Ed_Profile.pdf

Location: Laramie, Wyoming 

The Position:

The University of Wyoming (UW) invites applications and nominations for candidates to serve as Wyoming Excellence Chair in Special Education. The University is seeking a dynamic, collaborative, creative, and established scholar with a background in and commitment to special education. The ideal candidate will possess a strong scholarship record, extensive professional accomplishments, a history of successful extramural funding, and solid leadership skills.

The Wyoming Excellence Chair in Special Education is a 9-month, full-time, tenured position that reports to the Dean of the College of Education. This professorship supports the College of Education’s undergraduate degree in Elementary and Special Education, as well as the Master of Arts in Special Education, and collaborates with colleagues in the Early Childhood Special Education endorsement program. In addition to a salary commensurate with the status of a high-profile, established scholar, this position provides access to discretionary funds to promote a robust research, teaching, and service agenda in special education.

The Wyoming Excellence Chair in Special Education is part of a vibrant, growing faculty that engages in developing high-quality special educators, supports local school districts in providing individualized and effective services to K-12 students with disabilities, collaborates across disciplines and with the Wyoming Institute for Disabilities, advances best practices in special education, and strives for national prominence in the field. To expand these efforts, this position requires a committed and advanced scholar, invested in forging multi-disciplinary partnerships, and available to work on campus and actively engage in outreach with local school districts throughout Wyoming.


Minimum Experience/Credentials Required:

  • An earned Ph.D./Ed.D. in special education or a field closely related to special education.
  • A strong interest in and commitment to special education and low-incidence disabilities.
  • Earned rank of tenured full professor at an accredited university or advanced associate rank with accomplishments sufficient for promotion to the rank of professor upon hire at the University of Wyoming.
  • Successful experience and interest in teaching across multiple instructional modalities and a demonstration of excellence in teaching and faculty and student mentorship.
  • Experience with developing course materials and syllabi, assisting with faculty development, conducting research, and engaging with professional organizations in the field.
  • An ability to manage a teaching load of 9 credits per academic year.
  • Evidence of an established line of empirical research and publishing in special education or closely related fields.
  • A commitment to inclusive teaching practices.
  • Willingness to travel across the state in the capacity of serving as a special education advocate connecting with local school districts throughout Wyoming, as well as state and local government entities.
  • Valid driver's license with a motor vehicle record (MVR) that is compliant with the University Vehicle Use Policy.

Preferred Additional Qualifications:

  • Experience with evaluation and reporting on special education programs aligned to CEC accreditation standards. 
  • Demonstrated experience engaging external constituents in professional development.
  • Experience with external grant writing.
  • Experience collaborating with stakeholders in school districts and at the state level.
  • Experience teaching in K-12 special education settings.

The Ideal Candidate Will Possess:

  • A strong commitment to innovative teaching approaches that have resulted in improved student learning.
  • A demonstrated track record of engaging in academic scholarship, including grant writing/extramural funding.
  • Strong leadership skills and fiscal acumen.
  • Experience teaching in K-12 special education settings serving students with low-incidence disabilities.

The University of Wyoming invites diverse applicants to consider its employment opportunities. UW is especially interested in candidates who have experience working with diverse populations and/or diversity initiatives.

UW offers a competitive salary and strong benefits including a retirement plan with a 14.19% University contribution (based on gross salary), excellent leave plans, (vacations, sick days, and holidays), a tuition waiver program, a recreation center discounted membership opportunity, and a variety of on-campus dining and banking services.

About the Special Education Program:

The University of Wyoming’s Special Education program is housed in the College of Education’s School of Counseling, Leadership, Advocacy, and Design (CLAD).

CLAD, which coordinates 6 program areas and more than 11 graduate programs, plus certificate and endorsement specialties, affords faculty and students the opportunity to positively influence a variety of societal and global challenges.

CLAD’s Special Education program is committed to preparing highly qualified pre-service and in-service educators to serve K-12 students with varying needs in the least restrictive environment with a provision of services to ensure their access to the general education curriculum. The program values diverse and evidence-based pedagogical, instructional, curricular, and positive behavioral approaches as well as research methodologies designed to produce appropriate learning outcomes for all students.

UW special education degrees may be completed from a distance, providing access to a variety of students around the state and beyond. The majority of courses are offered asynchronously online, with some courses requiring attendance via Zoom.

CLAD’s special education degrees include:

  • A Bachelor’s in Elementary and Special Education, providing pre-service educators with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively teach and include all students within their future classrooms. Graduates of the program are eligible for licensure in elementary education (K-6) and special education (K-12).
  • A Master of Arts in Special Education, where students learn best practices for providing services to students with disabilities while also acquiring an understanding of disability law, assistive technologies, and collaborating with general education classroom teachers to work with students of all abilities.

Undergraduate students work with advisors from the School of Teacher Education (STE). They also take all non-special education courses from STE, which offers a wide variety of undergraduate teacher education degrees and minors, graduate degrees in curriculum and instruction, as well as several endorsement and certificate programs to prepare students to be successful educators.

The University of Wyoming’s special education program is nationally recognized by the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) and the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE).

About the College of Education:

The College of Education shares in the land grant mission of the University of Wyoming and maintains an abiding commitment to the ongoing growth and vitality of educators and counselors across Wyoming. In this context, the College provides outstanding research-based programs leading to initial licensure and certification for the teachers, counselors, and leaders in Wyoming’s schools and mental health counselors in Wyoming’s rural communities. As importantly, the College’s programs provide essential support for teachers and counselors across the arc of their careers.

The College of Education develops and delivers cutting-edge instruction and professional support across Wyoming’s expansive geography, which presents unique opportunities for innovation in teaching and learning. The College’s work reflects this by incorporating globally innovative forms of competency-based learning, mentoring through communities of practice, and college and career readiness pathways which prepare educators for all settings and environments.

The College’s role in the state presents a singular opportunity for scholars committed to the large-scale impact of their scholarship while also providing a significant responsibility to be knowledgeable, engaged actors through their work and programs. As the only four-year, public institution in the state, members of the College of Education community bear the substantial weight of connecting research to practice informing policy and action directly. No university in the country enjoys such immediate access to the state-level policy environment.

The College has over 1,100 students studying across four baccalaureate program areas and eight graduate programs offering MS, Ph.D., and Ed.D. degrees, along with a range of post-graduate certificates in Counseling and Education. More than 50 full-time faculty, 20 professional staff, and 15 graduate assistants bring these programs to life. The College is home to the Wellspring Counseling Clinic, the Science & Mathematics Teaching Center, the Literacy Research Center and Clinic, the UW Early Care and Education Center, the Trustees Education Initiative, the Wyoming Early Childhood Outreach Network, and the Wyoming School-University Partnership. The College has more than 24,000 living alumni. More than 3,300 alumni currently work in Wyoming’s public schools.

The College of Education is currently led by the John P. Ellbogen Dean, Jenna Shim. Shim, a professor in the School of Teacher Education, has served as the associate dean for academic affairs and graduate studies for the past three years. She joined the UW faculty in 2009 and has also served as associate director in the School of Education; program coordinator for the English as a Second Language (ESL) graduate program in the School of Teacher Education; and founder of the annual Wyoming ESL and DLI (dual language immersion) Conference.

About the University of Wyoming:

Nestled amid the beauty of two mountain ranges in southeastern Wyoming, you will find the nationally recognized teaching and research institution, the University of Wyoming (UW). Established as a land-grant institution in 1886 when Wyoming was still a territory, UW has since grown to offer nearly 200 areas of study, drawing approximately 12,000 students from all 50 states and 83 countries. UW is known for its accomplished faculty and world-class facilities, its low student/faculty ratio, and quality undergraduate and graduate programs within its colleges of Agriculture, Life Sciences and Natural Resources; Arts & Sciences; Business; Education; Engineering & Physical Sciences; Health Sciences; Law; and the Honors College; as well as the School of Energy Resources; the School of Computing; and the Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources. To learn more, please visit http://www.uwyo.edu.

Throughout its existence, UW has been the only four-year public university in the state of Wyoming, though it maintains close relationships with the state’s eight community colleges. UW’s global impact begins with innovative undergraduate and graduate research opportunities and extends through state and federal partnerships and recent initiatives such as the Wyoming Institute for Humanities Research, the School of Energy Resources, and the School of Computing. UW has played important roles in the lives of students and Wyoming residents for 137 years. Outside Magazine identified Laramie as “the perfect affordable mountain town,” noting the cost of living; access to outdoor activities; food, art, and culture; and the influence of UW, including its academic and other offerings. Furthermore, Wyoming ranked #5 in the U.S. News and World Report’s “Best States for Higher Education”. In the area of tuition and fees, Wyoming ranks No. 2 in part because of its low cost for University of Wyoming students. UW’s tuition and fees for resident undergraduates are the lowest in the nation among doctoral degree-granting institutions. The University community is working collaboratively to help the University reinforce and strengthen its reputation as it adapts to changing economic factors in the state and beyond. The University’s strategic roadmap, “Forward for Wyoming 2023+: A Strategic Plan for the University of Wyoming,” demonstrates that it is an exciting time to be a part of UW as the institution embarks on ambitious and impactful initiatives.

Location: Laramie, Wyoming, a town with approximately 31,000 people, has a unique blend of sophistication and Western hospitality. UW not only provides an environment for success but also offers varied academic and lifestyle opportunities. Named the “#1 Small College Town in America” by College Value Online, Laramie boasts a low cost of living with no state income tax, incredible outdoor recreational opportunities, an eclectic downtown, and a great public school system.

To Apply:

The University of Wyoming, in consultation with Summit Search Solutions, Inc., will begin a confidential review of application materials immediately and continue until the position is filled; parties who apply by October 30th will be given first consideration. Please submit a CV/resume and a letter that explains your interest and related experience/qualifications, upon application. All applications and nominations will be held in confidence.

To apply online, go to: https://theapplicantmanager.com/jobs?pos=su428

For more information or to offer recommendations or nominations:

Tammarah Townes

Senior Consultant

Summit Search Solutions, Inc.

Direct: (302) 388-9480


UW is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Educator and Employer (UW Reg 4-1). The University does not discriminate in employment or personnel practices on the basis of race, gender, religion, color, national origin, disability, age, protected veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, creed, ancestry, political belief, pregnancy, or any other protected category or participation in any protected activity. In compliance with the ADA Amendments Act (ADAAA), if you have a disability and would like to request an accommodation to apply for a position, please call 307-766-2377 or email jobapps@uwyo.edu. Review the Know Your Rights poster and its Supplement.


Pursuant to Wyoming State law, W.S. 19-14-102, as amended, an honorably discharged veteran who has been a resident of the state of Wyoming for one (1) year or more at any time prior to the date when the veteran applies for employment, or any surviving spouse who was married to such veteran at the time of the veteran’s death, who is receiving federal survivor benefits based on the veteran’s military service and is applying for employment, shall receive an interview preference during the applicant screening process with the University of Wyoming. At the time of application, the applicant must possess the business capacity, competency, education or other qualifications required for the position. If disabilities do not materially interfere with performance of job duties, disabled veterans will be given preference over able-bodied veterans. Appropriate documentation of veteran status must be provided at the time of application as outlined in the application process. No preference will be given to a veteran currently employed by a public department.


The University of Wyoming conducts background investigations for all final candidates being considered for employment. Offers of employment are contingent upon the completion of the background check.


Applicants with disabilities may request accommodation to complete the application and selection process. Please notify Human Resources at least three (3) working days prior to the date of need.

Application URL https://theapplicantmanager.com/jobs?pos=su428


The University of Wyoming seeks a Spicer Professor of Collaborative Practice in Natural Resources

Click here to view position profile: https://summitsearchsolutions.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/UW_Spicer_Endowed_Chair_Profile.pdf

Location: Laramie, Wyoming

The Position:

The Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources at the University of Wyoming invites applications for the Spicer Professor of Collaborative Practice in Natural Resources. The Haub School of ENR seeks an accomplished and creative individual to provide research, teaching, and service consistent with the educational missions of UW, the Haub School, and the Ruckelshaus Institute. It also values interdisciplinary approaches to environmental problem solving and scholarship that can inform real-world solutions; tangible, place-based experience to develop critical thinking skills in the next generation of leaders and decision-makers; and a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment on campus and beyond.


The successful candidate will hold the Spicer Endowed Chair and engage in impactful and applied research, scholarship, and service that advances the field of collaborative decision making in natural resources management and environmental policy. Applications are sought from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds including but not limited to political science, public administration, sociology, environmental studies, economics, natural resources management, ecology, law, geography, planning, and related fields. The Haub School is looking for a candidate who can provide leadership and vision for an interdisciplinary research, teaching, and outreach program that advances collaborative approaches to complex natural resource and environmental challenges in the American West.

This position is a 9-month tenured appointment at the Associate or Full Professor rank in the Haub School. The Spicer Chair of Collaborative Practice is endowed with a generous discretionary fund dedicated to fostering collaborative practice in the state and supporting a robust research program in collaboration, working in synergy with the Ruckelshaus Institute.

The Spicer Professor Will:

  • Teach courses in the Haub School’s undergraduate and graduate programs (courses could include: Collaborative Practice and Conflict Resolution), mentor graduate students, and lead the Haub School’s certificate in collaboration and the Collaboration Program in Natural Resources;
  • Develop a productive, extramurally funded program of research, scholarship, and practice in appropriate fields to advance collaborative approaches in natural resources particularly in the American West;
  • Provide service to the Haub School, University of Wyoming, and professional organizations; and
  • Advance the University’s land grant mission by working with the Ruckelshaus Institute to serve the people of Wyoming, advance effective natural resource management decision-making through engaged processes with diverse actors, develop statewide capacity for collaborative leadership, and advance effective natural resource decision making throughout Wyoming and the West.

The ideal candidate will be an innovative and collaborative leader who will engage in cutting-edge interdisciplinary and community-engaged research and scholarship in collaborative natural resources, collaborative processes, collaborative governance, conflict management/dispute resolution, consensus building, community learning and engagement, or other related topics. Further, the ideal candidate will have experience teaching collaborative decision-making concepts to undergraduate and graduate students in a range of contexts, including experiential and online; have a demonstrated commitment to engaging with community partners; and have outstanding communication and relationship-building skills that will contribute to the Haub School’s strong reputation and vision. This position provides vital support to university stakeholders and requires the successful candidate to be available to work on campus.



  • A terminal degree in a relevant field
  • Research and scholarly focus in collaborative practice in environment and natural resources
  • Experience teaching and/or mentoring college-level students
  • Demonstrated experience engaging with diverse stakeholders in collaborative processes through research or practice
  • A demonstrated commitment to interdisciplinary research, teaching, and/or outreach


  • Experience developing and leading agreements, contracts, and/or grants to advance collaborative practice and inform sound decision making in the environment and natural resources field
  • Demonstrated practitioner experience and success with multiparty collaborative processes related to complex public policy issues and challenges
  • Evidence of positive relationship-building with leaders across the public, non-profit, private, tribal, and civic sectors
  • Evidence of integration of collaborative processes across teaching, research, and service activities
  • Demonstrated understanding of the unique natural resource challenges facing Wyoming, the Rocky Mountain region, and the Western United States
  • Experience mentoring students and/or natural resource professionals in collaborative practice, and sharing expertise on such skills in settings beyond the higher education classroom
  • Demonstrated commitment to inclusivity and understanding of challenges facing diverse communities

About the Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources:

The Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources advances the understanding and resolution of complex natural resource challenges through interdisciplinary education, creation, and dissemination of new information and understanding, and collaborative decision-making.

When the Haub School was established in 1993, it was envisioned as a gathering place. It was meant to be an interdisciplinary hub for scholars and researchers from far-flung fields to tackle cross-cutting environmental issues. It was conceived of as a center for collaboration, where people in conflict over natural resource decisions could come together to better understand each other and the problem at hand. And from the start, it was a community of people who recognized the complexity of environment and natural resource challenges and believed in the power of working together, within and beyond the University, to craft sound and durable solutions.

Thirty years later, everything imagined has come to fruition. The school’s curricula emphasize collaborative and interdisciplinary approaches that prepare students to become thoughtful future leaders and problem-solvers in environment and natural resources fields. Students learn in the classroom, in real-world enterprises, in the outstanding natural outdoor laboratory that is Wyoming, online, and overseas via the Haub School’s international field courses. The Haub School has a strong community-based culture and has recently experienced unprecedented growth in students, faculty, outreach, and UW financial support. The Haub School has approximately 430 undergraduate and graduate students. The school includes 45 core faculty and staff; additional academic support is provided by professors of practice, academic professionals, and visiting scholars. The Haub School’s faculty maintain active research or creative programs that address environmental and natural resources questions from both disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives.

The Haub School values interdisciplinary approaches and collaborative solutions to address complex natural resource challenges bringing together federal land management agencies, private landowners, ranchers, industry, conservation organizations, recreation groups, and other parties to address environmental and natural resource decision-making.

The Ruckelshaus Institute, a division of the Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources, supports stakeholder-driven solutions to environmental and natural resources challenges throughout the state and region through compelling science communication and by promoting collaborative decision making. To learn more about the Ruckelshaus Institute and its history, click here: www.uwyo.edu/haub/ruckelshaus-institute.

A recent example of this collaborative process focuses on the 2023 release by the BLM of its Draft Resource Management Plan (RMP) and Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). In response to the public outcry about the agency’s preferred alternative, Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon requested the Haub School and Ruckelshaus Institute facilitate task force meetings and hold a series of interactive public workshops to help inform task force deliberations focusing on the Rock Spring Resource Management Plan. Task force members included an array of stakeholders from the Wyoming Senate, Wyoming House of Representatives, conservation, tourism and economic development, livestock and agriculture, local government, mining and trona, motorized access, oil and gas, renewable energy and utilities, sportsmen and hunting. Task force consensus recommendations included 24 agreements in principle on critical issues and more than 100 management prescriptions. For a complete report on this collaborative process and its outcomes visit: https://www.uwyo.edu/haub/_files/_docs/ruckelshaus/collaboration/2023-rmp/rock-springs-task-force-blm-comment.pdf.

Wyoming and the western United States enjoy an unparalleled richness of natural resources and face many complex challenges regarding the management of those resources. This complexity provides an opportunity for faculty, students, and staff at the Haub School to work with partners to learn about issues, to bring knowledge to bear on those issues, and to facilitate collaborative decision making.

Follow these links to learn more about the Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources: Haub School Update 2023 and Strategic Plan 2023-28. This plan will chart the course to success to ensure that the good work of the last decades continues and is aimed at sustaining wild and working lands, seeking solutions at the nexus of environment and energy, planning smart growth of tourism and recreation, sustainable land management, exploring novel economic approaches, adapting to a changing climate, and developing wildlife conservation leaders.

About the Institution:

Nestled amid the beauty of two mountain ranges in southeastern Wyoming, you will find the nationally recognized teaching and research institution, the University of Wyoming (UW). Established as a land-grant institution in 1886 when Wyoming was still a territory, UW has since grown to nearly 200 areas of study, drawing approximately 12,000 students from all 50 states and 83 countries. UW is known for its accomplished faculty and world-class facilities, its low student/faculty ratio, and quality undergraduate and graduate programs within its colleges of Agriculture, Life Sciences and Natural Resources, Arts & Sciences, Business, Education, Engineering & Physical Sciences, Health Sciences, Law, and the Honors College, as well as the School of Energy Resources, School of Computing, and the Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources. To learn more, please visit http://www.uwyo.edu.

Throughout its existence, UW has been the only four-year public university in the state of Wyoming, though it maintains close relationships with the state’s eight community colleges. UW’s global impact begins with innovative undergraduate and graduate research opportunities and extends through state and federal partnerships and recent initiatives such as the Wyoming Institute for Humanities Research, the School of Energy Resources, and the School of Computing. UW has played important roles in the lives of students and Wyoming residents for 137 years. Outside Magazine identified Laramie as “the perfect affordable mountain town,” noting the cost of living; access to outdoor activities; food, art and culture; and the influence of UW, including its academic and other offerings. Furthermore, Wyoming ranked #5 in the U.S. News and World Report’s “Best States for Higher Education”. In the area of tuition and fees, Wyoming ranks No. 2 in part because of its low cost for University of Wyoming students. UW’s tuition and fees for resident undergraduates are the lowest in the nation among doctoral degree-granting institutions. The University community is working collaboratively to help the University reinforce and strengthen its reputation as it adapts to changing economic factors in the state and beyond. The University’s strategic roadmap, “Forward for Wyoming 2023+: A Strategic Plan for the University of Wyoming,” demonstrates that it is an exciting time to be a part of UW as the institution embarks on ambitious and impactful initiatives.

Location: Located in Laramie, Wyoming, a town with approximately 32,000 people, has a unique blend of sophistication and Western hospitality. UW not only provides an environment for success but also offers varied academic and lifestyle opportunities. Named the “#1 Small College Town in America” by College Value Online, Laramie boasts a moderate cost of living with no state income tax, incredible outdoor recreational opportunities, an eclectic downtown, and a great public school system.

Why Consider the Opportunity:

  • High Performing School. The Haub School is a “shining star” in the University and the region with innovative interdisciplinary programming, an increasing portfolio of funding, growing enrollment, an expanding research portfolio, and happy and engaged students, faculty, and staff.
  • Impact. This is a highly visible role with an opportunity to have a transformative impact within the school, university, state and region.
  • Collaboration. Wyoming is an incredible laboratory for collaborative practice given the unparalleled richness of natural resources in the state and the complex challenges regarding the management of those resources. Be a difference maker along with other collegial and engaged Haub School faculty and staff.
  • Culture. Students receive an unprecedented level of personal attention and support with relevant opportunities for engagement, work, service, and scholarship.
  • Capital Improvements. New and modern campus facilities have been developed over the past 20 years through massive capital investment on the part of the state and private donors.
  • Location. Laramie is a great place to live and work. Laramie boasts a moderate cost of living, low property taxes, and no personal state income tax. The area offers incredible outdoor recreational opportunities, an eclectic downtown area, and a great public school system.
  • Benefits. Highly competitive benefits package, including a retirement benefit that features a state contribution of 14.44% of an employee’s gross salary and excellent health benefits.

To Apply:

The University of Wyoming, in consultation with Summit Search Solutions, Inc., will begin a confidential review of application materials immediately and continue until the position is filled; parties who apply by November 18, 2024, will be given first consideration. Required application materials include: a detailed CV and a letter of interest that highlights the candidate’s alignment with minimum and desired qualifications. All applications and nominations will be held in confidence.

To apply online, go to: https://theapplicantmanager.com/jobs?pos=su430

For more information or to offer recommendations or nominations:

Karen Pedersen, PhD

Senior Consultant

Summit Search Solutions, Inc.

Direct: 719-747-2545


The University of Wyoming is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Educator and Employer (UW Reg 4-1). The University does not discriminate in employment or personnel practices on the basis of race, gender, religion, color, national origin, disability, age, protected veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, creed, ancestry, political belief, pregnancy, or any other protected category or participation in any protected activity.  In compliance with the ADA Amendments Act (ADAAA), if you have a disability and would like to request an accommodation to apply for a position, please call 307-766-2377 or email jobapps@uwyo.edu. Review the Know Your Rights poster and its Supplement.

Pursuant to Wyoming State law, W.S. 19-14-102, as amended, an honorably discharged veteran who has been a resident of the state of Wyoming for one (1) year or more at any time prior to the date when the veteran applies for employment, or any surviving spouse who was married to such veteran at the time of the veteran’s death, who is receiving federal survivor benefits based on the veteran’s military service and is applying for employment, shall receive an interview preference during the applicant screening process with the University of Wyoming. At the time of application, the applicant must possess the business capacity, competency, education or other qualifications required for the position. If disabilities do not materially interfere with performance of job duties, disabled veterans will be given preference over able-bodied veterans. Appropriate documentation of veteran status must be provided at the time of application as outlined in the application process. No preference will be given to a veteran currently employed by a public department.


The University of Wyoming conducts background investigations for all final candidates being considered for employment. Offers of employment are contingent upon the completion of the background check.

In compliance with the ADA Amendments Act (ADAAA), if you have a disability and would like to request an accommodation to apply for a position, please call 307-766-2377 or email jobapps@uwyo.edu.


Application URL https://theapplicantmanager.com/jobs?pos=su430


The University of Wyoming seeks a Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer

Click here to view position profile: https://summitsearchsolutions.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/UW_VPIT_CIO_Profile.pdf

Location: Laramie, Wyoming


The Position:

The Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer (VPIT/CIO) serves as the senior technology leader for the University working with university leadership, faculty, staff, and students to develop and communicate the status of technology plans and initiatives within the Division of Information Technology. Serving as a member of the President’s Cabinet, the VPIT/CIO is responsible for managing administrative and academic technology support staff and for promoting and delivering quality service to the University community. The VPIT/CIO is responsible for managing the centrally deployed services through units responsible for:

  • Enterprise IT, infrastructure and security, 
  • Applications and customer relationships, and
  • Academic Technology Services and Data Center Operations.


The VPIT/CIO develops and implements a strategic plan for the Division of Information Technology that is consistent with the University's strategic plan, academic mission and research activity. Additionally, the VPIT/CIO oversees the budget, personnel, and policy development as they relate to information technology for the University. The VPIT/CIO is responsible for the development and execution of an information technology governance structure to ensure the organization's ability to effectively prioritize and properly resource new technology investments. The VPIT/CIO is a spokesperson and advocate for development and use of information technology, AI, and cybersecurity in instruction, research, and institutional operations. This position is also responsible for anticipating and maintaining a vision for future technology needs and for recommending strategies, priorities, policies, and projects that will best achieve the University’s mission and strategic objectives.


The VPIT/CIO engages and collaborates with all stakeholders to ensure information technology services are provided in an effective and efficient manner that supports the academic and administrative needs of the University. The scope of the VPIT/CIO role necessitates a high level of familiarity with the various constituent needs across a complex and growing university and a commitment to the personal engagement necessary to meet the diverse needs of all units.


At the University of Wyoming, the Division of Information Technology currently employs approximately 100 full-time staff and 100 students with a total expense budget of approximately $19 million. The VPIT/CIO will inherit a capable leadership team that manages on-campus and remote teams of IT professionals who work to ensure the students, staff, and faculty have the access, connectivity, and resources needed to be successful.


The University seeks an established leader who is prepared to develop and execute an IT strategy that drives the University forward in enhancing student experience and effectively supporting the academic, research, and administrative functions.



  • Provides an information technology vision that enables the University to achieve its mission and strategic priorities while also positioning the University for the future.
  • Creates and fosters a culture of IT service excellence demonstrating an ongoing commitment to leading a collaborative, service-driven organization.
  • Manages the division’s functions and services in a timely, high-quality, and results-oriented manner consistent with the land grant mission of the University.
  • Ensures the recruitment, retention, development, and evaluation of highly qualified personnel to support centralized IT operations. Fosters an inclusive environment of professional development and continuous improvement.
  • Develops budget plans and prioritizes efforts to provide highly reliable services while also responding to requests for new services and enhancement of existing services.
  • Ensures an effective governance structure, in collaboration with key leaders in each functional area, to prioritize and resource an array of IT projects/needs across the University.
  • Supervises the acquisition and inventory of all computer hardware, software, and networking facilities; serves as the senior contact for vendors of computing hardware and software, participates in contract negotiations, and coordinates large technology purchases, site licenses, and volume purchasing agreements. Evaluates innovative opportunities to partner with IT service providers.
  • Participates in capital project planning and expansion to ensure the technology needs of the University community are anticipated and met.
  • Develops and implements policies and practices to safeguard the University’s technology infrastructure and data creating a reliable and secure infrastructure upon which enterprise applications, learning technologies, and research computing exist.
  • Facilitates a comprehensive review and assessment strategy as decisions about major applications are considered.
  • Understands current issues, opportunities, best practices and developments associated with information technology and cybersecurity as they relate to large, complex organizations implementing innovative and value-driven solutions to meet the University’s needs.
  • Leads the institution’s implementation, training, and use of contemporary, consistent educational technology to assist in the delivery of on campus and online learning experiences.
  • Drives collaboration across the University, promoting cooperation, integrated planning, and professional relationships that strengthen opportunities to share solutions to meet common needs, reduce duplication, and leverage collective investments across the University.
  • Although not currently responsible for research computing, supports the University research enterprise through effective consultation and collaboration with the University’s Vice President for Research and Economic Development, and through partnership with the School of Computing, UW Libraries, and the Advanced Research Computing Center (ARCC).
  • Collaborates in creating policies related to research data management.
  • Represents the University within Laramie, across the state, and beyond around technology projects/initiatives.
  • Participates in personal development that promotes strategic growth.



  • Ten years of progressively responsible professional and leadership experience, preferably in a higher education environment, including a senior leadership role(s) in delivering information technology services and programs for a large, complex organization.
  • Master's degree and/or advanced degree in information technology or a related discipline.
  • A comprehensive understanding of how universities work, and an in-depth knowledge of the technological demands of delivering reliable high-quality services to diverse user populations (e.g., students, faculty, researchers, staff, administrators), the regulatory requirements of information security (e.g., FERPA, HIPPA) and the ongoing evolution of cybersecurity.
  • Experience managing a complex infrastructure and a working knowledge of successful project management approaches for large technology initiatives.
  • Working knowledge of cloud technologies and application for a university.
  • Adept at identifying and assessing future technological needs of the University and developing annual and longer-term budgets to address emerging needs.
  • Skilled at managing a complex information technology organization while building and leading strong teams. 
  • Evidence of active participation with peers (e.g., deans, vice presidents) within previous leadership teams.
  • Excellent communication skills, both verbally and in writing, and the ability to interact effectively with stakeholders throughout the University, within the State of Wyoming and beyond.
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, with a focus on data-driven decision-making.


UW offers a competitive salary and strong benefits including a retirement plan with a 14.19% University contribution (based on gross salary), excellent leave plans, (vacations, sick days, and holidays), a tuition waiver program, a recreation center membership opportunity, and a variety of on-campus dining and banking services.


About the Division of Information Technology:

The Division of Information Technology consists of three primary departments all of which are overseen by the Office of the Vice President for Information Technology: Academic Technology Services and Data Center Operations, Applications and Customer Relationships as well as Enterprise IT, Infrastructure & Security. The Division of IT supports over 330 technology-equipped spaces including classrooms, seminar rooms, conference rooms and auditoriums in addition to over 1,500 student computing lab nodes. The university-wide IT operations include supporting over 110 enterprise and departmental applications through both virtual and physical servers.


The Division of Information Technology is housed within the University of Wyoming’s Information Technology Center (ITC). The ITC is the centralized location for campus IT staff and houses a Tier II+ Data Center. The Center is designed to meet the computing and data needs of the University – students, administrators, faculty, and researchers. The ITC also houses the IT Help Desk. The Help Desk is the primary point of contact for computer support. It provides timely and professional phone, email, online chat, and remote support for hardware, software, connectivity, and UW computer access. A modern technology training room houses software training classes for faculty, staff, and students. The Walk-in Service Center is where expert-level advice and quick evaluation of software and hardware computing problems is provided.


ITC: General Facts

  • 80,000 square feet
  • 110 office spaces
  • Make-IT Makerspace (3D printing, Vinyl, Laser Engraving, and more)
  • Walk-in Service Center and device checkout
  • WyoOne ID Office
  • Wired and wireless data network access
  • Computing and application development labs
  • Computer training rooms
  • Computer and Telecom Help Desks


ITC: Data Center Facts

  • Highly flexible design
  • University, research, and partnership co-location
  • 6,000 square feet of raised floor with TIER II+ redundancy
  • Space for over 200 computer server cabinets
  • Designed for “lights out” operation
  • High security – Biometric 2 factor authentication, video monitoring, etc.


For more information about the Division of IT, please visit https://www.uwyo.edu/infotech/aboutit/.


About the Institution:

Nestled amid the beauty of two mountain ranges in southeastern Wyoming, you will find the nationally recognized teaching and research institution, the University of Wyoming (UW). Established as a land-grant institution in 1886 when Wyoming was still a territory, UW has since grown to nearly 200 areas of study, drawing approximately 10,800 students from all 50 states and 83 countries. UW is known for its accomplished faculty and world-class facilities, its low student/faculty ratio, and quality undergraduate and graduate online and classroom-based programs within its 11 colleges and schools. To learn more, please visit http://www.uwyo.edu.


Throughout its existence, UW has been the only four-year public university in the state of Wyoming, and it maintains close relationships with the state’s eight community colleges. UW’s global impact begins with innovative undergraduate and graduate research opportunities and extends through state and federal partnerships and recent initiatives such as the School of Computing, Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation and Governor Gordon’s Wyoming Innovation Partnership. UW has played important roles in the lives of students and Wyoming residents for 138 years. Outside Magazine identified Laramie as “the perfect affordable mountain town,” noting the cost of living; access to outdoor activities; food, art and culture; and the influence of UW, including its academic and other offerings. Furthermore, Wyoming ranked #5 in the U.S. News and World Report’s “Best States for Higher Education”. In the area of tuition and fees, Wyoming ranks No. 2 in part because of its low cost for University of Wyoming students. UW’s tuition and fees for resident undergraduates are the lowest in the nation among doctoral degree-granting institutions. The University community is working collaboratively to help the University reinforce and strengthen its reputation as it adapts to changing economic factors in the state and beyond. The University’s strategic roadmap, Forward for Wyoming 2023+: A Strategic Plan for the University of Wyoming,” demonstrates that it is an exciting time to be a part of UW as the institution embarks on ambitious and impactful initiatives.


Location: Laramie, Wyoming, a town with approximately 31,000 people, has a unique blend of sophistication and Western hospitality. UW not only provides an environment for success but also offers varied academic and lifestyle opportunities. Named the “#1 Small College Town in America” by College Value Online, Laramie boasts a moderate cost of living with no state income tax, incredible outdoor recreational opportunities, an eclectic downtown, and a great public school system.


To Apply:

The University of Wyoming, in consultation with Summit Search Solutions, Inc., will begin a confidential review of application materials immediately and continue until the position is filled; parties who apply by January 25, 2025 will be given first consideration. Please submit a CV/resume and a letter of interest upon application. All applications and nominations will be held in confidence. To apply online, go to: https://theapplicantmanager.com/jobs?pos=su436


For more information or to offer recommendations or nominations:

Karen Pedersen, PhD

Senior Consultant

Direct: 719-747-2545



UW is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Educator and Employer (UW Reg 4-1). The University does not discriminate in employment or personnel practices on the basis of race, gender, religion, color, national origin, disability, age, protected veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, creed, ancestry, political belief, pregnancy, or any other protected category or participation in any protected activity. In compliance with the ADA Amendments Act (ADAAA), if you have a disability and would like to request an accommodation to apply for a position, please call 307-766-2377 or email jobapps@uwyo.edu. Review the Know Your Rights poster and its Supplement.


Pursuant to Wyoming State law, W.S. 19-14-102, as amended, an honorably discharged veteran who has been a resident of the state of Wyoming for one (1) year or more at any time prior to the date when the veteran applies for employment, or any surviving spouse who was married to such veteran at the time of the veteran’s death, who is receiving federal survivor benefits based on the veteran’s military service and is applying for employment, shall receive an interview preference during the applicant screening process with the University of Wyoming. At the time of application, the applicant must possess the business capacity, competency, education or other qualifications required for the position. If disabilities do not materially interfere with performance of job duties, disabled veterans will be given preference over able-bodied veterans. Appropriate documentation of veteran status must be provided at the time of application as outlined in the application process. No preference will be given to a veteran currently employed by a public department.


The University of Wyoming conducts background investigations for all final candidates being considered for employment. Offers of employment are contingent upon the completion of the background check.

In compliance with the ADA Amendments Act (ADAAA), if you have a disability and would like to request an accommodation to apply for a position, please call 307-766-2377 or email jobapps@uwyo.edu.



Application URL https://theapplicantmanager.com/jobs?pos=su436


The University of Wyoming seeks a Research Pilot

Click here to view position profile: https://www.jsfirm.com/Pilot-Fixed+Wing/Research+Pilot/Laramie-Wyoming/jobID_1500446

Location: Laramie, Wyoming

Job Description:

The Department of Atmospheric Science at the University of Wyoming in Laramie, Wyoming invites applications for a fulltime on-site Research Pilot to operate University aircraft. The University owns and operates two King Air aircraft, one is a specially modified King Air 350 instrumented for atmospheric research and the other is a King Air 200 that is used for transporting administrators and guests of the University throughout the region. University research pilots fly both aircraft.  King Air and SMS experience is preferred, but not required.  This position offers a hiring salary range of $114,000 to $128,000 plus benefits including a retirement benefit of nearly 15%. The final salary will be based on experience, skills relevant to the role, and internal equity.

Essential Duties and Responsibilities:

The successful candidate will be one in a group of three research pilots at the University. They will act as Pilot in Command (PIC) for flights in single pilot IMC (instrument meteorological conditions) and VMC (visual meteorological conditions) at all times of day for research fights for study of atmospheric phenomena. They will also act as PIC and Second in Command (SIC) for transportation flights for the University. Research pilots work within the University of Wyoming Flight Center to maintain a culture of safety with efficient procedures that support customer service. They also assist with and provide input for scheduling, budgeting, and planning activities for both aircraft. Research pilots prepare plans for individual flights and arrange plans for logistics and project operations for research projects out of the home base of Laramie and for projects based out of other locales. Research projects may be based anywhere in the world, and specific goals and objectives of projects are highly variable but are always focused on Atmospheric Science.  The successful candidate must be able and willing to operate University aircraft domestically and internationally (25% travel away from Laramie) and will be required to attend initial and recurrent training and other training as needed.  This position may also be responsible for significant portions of UWs Aviation Safety Management System. This is an onsite position in Laramie, WY.

Job Requirements:
  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent experience in aviation, experience will be evaluated by type and complexity on a case-by-case basis;
  • Airline Transport Pilot certificate (multi-engine land);
  • 3,000 or more logged pilot hours;
  • 2,000 hours minimum as pilot-in-command of multi-engine, fixed-wing aircraft;
  • 500 hours minimum in fixed-wing turbine aircraft;
  • First class FAA medical certificate within the last twelve months
  • ***Minimum hours required may be reduced for a candidate who is exceptionally skilled in single-pilot special mission operations and/or who possesses a demonstrated command of a formal aviation safety management system program under IS-BAO, Argus, WYVERN, etc.
  • Candidates selected for an onsite interview will be required to pass a check ride in a University aircraft.

Desired Qualifications: 

  • King Air 200/350 experience (or equivalent US military aircraft);
  • King Air 350 Type Rating;
  • King Air 200 Initial or Recurrent training at Flight Safety or equivalent;
  • Demonstrated knowledge of Federal Aviation Administration rules and regulations;
  • Working knowledge and practical experience with SMS in a management or implementation role;
  • Prior experience with air freight, small aircraft charter, medivac, SAR, research, customs, border patrol and/or similar missions;
  • Knowledge of weather and atmospheric conditions as they affect flight operations;
  • Knowledge of flight procedures, ability to file flight plans and discern weather conditions affecting flight;
  • Skill to operate technical equipment with the knowledge and ability to test aircraft instrumentation.
  • Ability and willingness to recognize and report safety concerns;
  • Ability to communicate effectively with scientific crew and passengers.

Knowledge and abilities specific to the job:

  • Embrace a culture of safety working under a formal SMS
  • Weather and atmospheric conditions as they affect flight operations
  • Geography, topography, navigation, GPS waypoints and weather conditions
  • Fly aircraft as Pilot in Command at all times of day, all seasons and weather conditions, and at low altitudes and low air speed
  • Operate aircraft in mountainous terrain, over open water and in remote locations
  • Maintain records, prepare reports, and conduct correspondence related to work
  • Communicate effectively with scientific crew and passengers of various backgrounds, cultures, and experience levels
  • Employ Crew Resource Management to maximize the effectiveness of crew members
  • Demonstrate ability to work as a team member and foster a cooperative work environment
  • Good interpersonal skills and a focus on customer service 

Location: Laramie, Wyoming, a town with approximately 31,000 people, has a unique blend of sophistication and Western hospitality. UW not only provides an environment for success but also offers varied academic and lifestyle opportunities. Named the “#1 Small College Town in America” by College Value Online, Laramie boasts a moderate cost of living with no state income tax, incredible outdoor recreational opportunities, an eclectic downtown, and a great public school system.

UW is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Educator and Employer (UW Reg 4-1). The University does not discriminate in employment or personnel practices on the basis of race, gender, religion, color, national origin, disability, age, protected veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, creed, ancestry, political belief, pregnancy, or any other protected category or participation in any protected activity. In compliance with the ADA Amendments Act (ADAAA), if you have a disability and would like to request an accommodation to apply for a position, please call 307-766-2377 or email jobapps@uwyo.edu. Review the Know Your Rights poster and its Supplement.


Pursuant to Wyoming State law, W.S. 19-14-102, as amended, an honorably discharged veteran who has been a resident of the state of Wyoming for one (1) year or more at any time prior to the date when the veteran applies for employment, or any surviving spouse who was married to such veteran at the time of the veteran’s death, who is receiving federal survivor benefits based on the veteran’s military service and is applying for employment, shall receive an interview preference during the applicant screening process with the University of Wyoming. At the time of application, the applicant must possess the business capacity, competency, education or other qualifications required for the position. If disabilities do not materially interfere with performance of job duties, disabled veterans will be given preference over able-bodied veterans. Appropriate documentation of veteran status must be provided at the time of application as outlined in the application process. No preference will be given to a veteran currently employed by a public department.


The University of Wyoming conducts background investigations for all final candidates being considered for employment. Offers of employment are contingent upon the completion of the background check.

In compliance with the ADA Amendments Act (ADAAA), if you have a disability and would like to request an accommodation to apply for a position, please call 307-766-2377 or email jobapps@uwyo.edu.


Application URL https://www.jsfirm.com/Pilot-Fixed+Wing/Research+Pilot/Laramie-Wyoming/jobID_1500446

The University of Wyoming seeks an Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students

Click here to view position profile: https://summitsearchsolutions.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/UW_AVP_DOS_Profile.pdf

Location: Laramie, Wyoming


The Position:

The University of Wyoming (UW) invites applications and nominations for candidates to serve as the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs & Dean of Students (AVP/DOS). The University is seeking a dynamic and visionary leader responsible for driving initiatives that enhance student care, outreach, persistence, self-accountability, and resource support. This pivotal role is essential to the senior leadership team of the Division of Student Affairs, fostering a collaborative and innovative environment that prioritizes student success and well-being. The ideal candidate will engage with a variety of stakeholders to create a supportive campus culture, ensuring all students have the resources and guidance they need to thrive academically and personally.


This position is vital to what students are seeking at this time related to wellness, care, and support. The AVP/DOS has the opportunity to ensure there is a continuation of stellar service in these highly utilized functions while promoting positive changes and new offerings at a time of reflection and growth for the state of Wyoming.


Essential Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Transformational Leadership: Serve as a dynamic leader and change agent, motivating a diverse range of stakeholders to advance the division’s strategic plan and student learning objectives while guiding the development of holistic, student-centered services, policies, and protocols that align with the University’s mission and resources.
  • Crisis Response and Support: Offer strategic leadership and vision for the Office of the Dean of Students, implementing effective systems for student crisis response and sexual violence prevention while supervising key personnel, including the Assistant Dean for Care & Outreach, Assistant Dean for Student Conduct, Assistant Dean for Community Resource Development, and the Associate Dean and Director of Residence Life.
  • Collaborative Initiatives Engagement:
    • WYO Cares (Behavioral Intervention Team)
    • Laramie Town & Gown Committee
    • Academic Suspension Readmittance
  • Budget Oversight: Ensure operational and fiscal compliance for departmental budgets of approximately $5 million, adhering to University policies and accounting practices.
  • Interdepartmental Collaboration: Establish and maintain effective working relationships with all Student Affairs departments, Academic Affairs, and other divisions within the University.
  • Effective Communication: Engage effectively with students, families, and other constituencies, managing sensitive information with discretion and providing supportive services to students in distress.
  • University Representation: Represent the Vice President for Student Affairs on various University committees, deliver presentations at significant university events, and attend functions on behalf of the Division of Student Affairs.
  • Active Participation: Contribute as an engaged member of the Student Affairs Leadership Team, Academic Deans and Directors Council, the Laramie Town & Gown Association, and other university committees.
  • Emergency Response: Participate in on-call and after-hours emergency response efforts alongside other Division Leadership.


Knowledge and Abilities Specific to the Job:

  • Higher Education Policies: Understanding of higher education administration, student affairs practices, and relevant laws and regulations (e.g., Title IX, FERPA).
  • Student Development Theories: Knowledge of theories and best practices related to student development, mental health, and wellness.
  • Crisis Response: Proficient in crisis management techniques and the ability to respond calmly and effectively in high-pressure situations.
  • Crisis Management: Familiarity with crisis intervention strategies and student welfare coordination.
  • Budget Management: Understanding of financial planning and budget management oversight within a higher education context, detailed operations are managed by a business manager.
  • Leadership and Team Building: Strong leadership skills with the ability to inspire and motivate a diverse team and cultivate a collaborative work environment.
  • Strategic Planning: Ability to develop and implement strategic plans that align with the University’s goals and enhance student success.
  • Communication: Excellent oral and written communication skills, capable of effectively conveying information to various audiences, including students, faculty, and external stakeholders.
  • Advocacy: Commitment to advocating for student needs and resources, ensuring their voices are heard and valued in decision-making processes.


Competencies Specific to the Job:

  • Adaptability: Maintaining effectiveness in varying environments and with different tasks, responsibilities, and people.
  • Attention to Detail: Accomplishing tasks through concern for all areas involved, no matter how small; showing concern for all aspects of the job; accurately checking processes and tasks; maintaining watchfulness over a period of time.
  • Collaboration: Working collaboratively across departments and with various stakeholders to achieve common goals.
  • Conflict Management: Using appropriate interpersonal styles and techniques to reduce tension and/or conflict between two or more people; ability to size up situations quickly; ability to identify common interests; facilitating resolution.
  • Consistency: Demonstrating reliability and dependability in attendance, completing work in a timely manner, and meeting commitments with minimal oversight. Performing and completing task jobs with thoroughness, accuracy, and reliability.
  • Cultural Competence: Capacity to understand and respect varying perspectives and create a supportive environment for all students.
  • Delegating Responsibility: Comfortably delegating responsibilities, tasks, and decisions; appropriately trusting others to perform; providing support without removing responsibility.
  • Integrity: Maintaining and promoting social, ethical, and organizational norms in conducting internal and external business activities.
  • Interpersonal Skills: Ability to build relationships and interact effectively with students, families, faculty, and staff from wide-ranging backgrounds.
  • Problem-Solving: Strong analytical and problem-solving skills to address complex issues related to student affairs and support services.




  • Education: Master’s degree in higher education, student affairs administration, or a related discipline, from an accredited institution.
  • Experience: A minimum of 10 years of progressive experience in student affairs, demonstrating:
    • Expertise in mental health and well-being, student development, and support services.
    • Experience in behavioral intervention, crisis response and management, student conduct, sexual misconduct, prevention, intervention, postvention, and residential life.
    • Knowledge of best practices related to behavioral intervention teams and threat assessment tools.
    • Experience in strategic planning, fiscal management, and supervision of staff.
    • A proven track record of leadership in access and engagement efforts among students, faculty, and staff.
    • Exceptional interpersonal, problem-solving, oral, and written communication, and public speaking skills.
    • A proven track record of maintaining collaborative working relationships across various constituencies.
    • Proven flexibility and creativity in addressing challenges and opportunities within the student affairs landscape.



  • A doctoral degree in higher education, student affairs administration, or a related discipline from an accredited institution.
  • Experience working with both undergraduate and graduate students.
  • An understanding of the processes related to working with international students.



  • Nothing is required but applicants are encouraged to share information about additional, relevant, credentials (e.g., NaBITA).


Why Consider the Opportunity:

  • Dynamic University. The University of Wyoming has energetic and visionary leadership that is moving the institution toward distinction, focused on increasing the level of both research activity and community engagement.
  • Values. The institution values:
  • Access to an affordable, high-quality education.
  • Real-world education where students learn by doing.
  • A welcoming and supportive learning community fostered by integrity, inclusivity, freedom of expression, and respect.
  • The growth, health, and leadership capacity of all members of the University community.
  • Wyoming’s wild and working lands as an asset to be utilized, understood, stewarded, and treasured.
  • Our partnership and engagement with Wyoming communities in the creation and exchange of knowledge and resources.
  • Our role as a catalyst for innovation and economic vitality.
  • Mission. As Wyoming’s University, we unlock the extraordinary in every person through education, research, innovation, engagement, and service.
  • Vision. Use our unique strengths to make Wyoming and the world a better place.
  • UW’s Ongoing Objectives. As Wyoming’s land-grant and flagship University, UW commits to five major objectives: 1. Enhance Student Success; 2. Pursue Institutional Excellence; 3. Provide a Supportive Community; 4. Engage with and Serve the State of Wyoming; 5. Cultivate Financial Stability and Diversification.
  • Location. Laramie is a wonderful place to live and work, boasting a moderate cost of living, low property taxes, and no personal state income tax. The area offers incredible outdoor recreational opportunities, an eclectic downtown area, and a great public school system.
  • Benefits. UW offers a competitive salary and strong benefits including a retirement plan with a 14.19% University contribution (based on gross salary), excellent leave plans, (vacations, sick days, and holidays), a tuition waiver program, a recreation center membership opportunity, and a variety of on-campus dining and banking services.


About the Division of Student Affairs and the Dean Of Students Office:

The Division of Student Affairs is comprised of Campus Recreation; the Dean of Students Office; Student Health Service; the University Counseling Center; Disability Support Services; the Center for Student Involvement & Leadership, the Native American Education; Research and Cultural Center (NAERCC); Residence Life; and Student Success & Graduation. Student Affairs is committed to leading and supporting efforts to create a robust educational and supportive environment and ensuring a welcoming space where people from all backgrounds are seen, supported, and recognized.


With a mission to empower students so they can navigate life, experience fulfillment, and contribute to humanity, the Division of Student Affairs:

  • Provides safe, comfortable, affordable, and physically and programmatically appealing housing and dining programs to students living on campus;
  • Provides integrated wellness service to address physical and behavioral health;
  • Educates students; encourages personal accountability for their choices and actions; and refers students to appropriate resources on and off-campus;
  • Engages students in leadership opportunities; provides educational, social, and entertaining programs and events;
  • Fosters opportunities for students to provide feedback to the University and participate in shared governance;
  • Provides alumni and parents opportunities to be active in the UW Community.


The Dean of Students Office (DOS) seeks to assist students experiencing difficult circumstances or hardships to discover strategies for managing distress and navigating personal challenges as well as connect them with campus and community resources that can support their personal and educational goals. DOS staff work to help students succeed academically and become contributing members of the campus community. Programs and offerings from DOS include:

  • Student Conduct
  • Student Engagement
  • Violence Prevention
  • Student Resources
  • Residence Life
  • Community Resources


The Dean of Students office values student empowerment, recognizing that students are experts on their own lives and experiences, with a focus on fostering student growth, accountability, and reflection through education, collaboration, and partnerships. Through case management and behavioral intervention teams (BIT) strategies, students are connected with the resources and support they need, fostering a culture of hope and resilience.


About the University of Wyoming:

Nestled amid the beauty of two mountain ranges in southeastern Wyoming, you will find the nationally recognized teaching and research institution, the University of Wyoming (UW). Established as a land-grant institution in 1886 when Wyoming was still a territory, UW has since grown to nearly 200 areas of study, drawing approximately 10,800 students from all 50 states and 83 countries. UW is known for its accomplished faculty and world-class facilities, its low student/faculty ratio, and quality undergraduate and graduate online and classroom-based programs within its 11 colleges and schools. To learn more, please visit http://www.uwyo.edu.


Throughout its existence, UW has been the only four-year public university in the state of Wyoming, and it maintains close relationships with the state’s eight community colleges. UW’s global impact begins with innovative undergraduate and graduate research opportunities and extends through state and federal partnerships and recent initiatives such as the School of Computing, Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation and Governor Gordon’s Wyoming Innovation Partnership. UW has played important roles in the lives of students and Wyoming residents for 138 years. Outside Magazine identified Laramie as “the perfect affordable mountain town,” noting the cost of living; access to outdoor activities; food, art and culture; and the influence of UW, including its academic and other offerings. Furthermore, Wyoming ranked #5 in the U.S. News and World Report’s “Best States for Higher Education”. In the area of tuition and fees, Wyoming ranks No. 2 in part because of its low cost for University of Wyoming students. UW’s tuition and fees for resident undergraduates are the lowest in the nation among doctoral degree-granting institutions. The University community is working collaboratively to help the University reinforce and strengthen its reputation as it adapts to changing economic factors in the state and beyond. The University’s strategic roadmap, Forward for Wyoming 2023+: A Strategic Plan for the University of Wyoming,” demonstrates that it is an exciting time to be a part of UW as the institution embarks on ambitious and impactful initiatives.


Location: Laramie, Wyoming, a town with approximately 31,000 people, has a unique blend of sophistication and Western hospitality. UW not only provides an environment for success but also offers varied academic and lifestyle opportunities. Named the “#1 Small College Town in America” by College Value Online, Laramie boasts a moderate cost of living with no state income tax, incredible outdoor recreational opportunities, an eclectic downtown, and a great public school system.


To Apply:

The University of Wyoming, in consultation with Summit Search Solutions, Inc., will begin a confidential review of application materials immediately and continue until the position is filled; parties who apply by March 14, 2025 will be given first consideration. Please submit a CV/resume and a letter of interest upon application. All applications and nominations will be held in confidence.


To apply online, go to: https://theapplicantmanager.com/jobs?pos=su446


For more information or to offer recommendations or nominations:

Tammarah Townes

Senior Consultant

Summit Search Solutions, Inc.

Direct: (302) 388-9480



The University of Wyoming is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Educator and Employer (UW Reg 4-1). The University does not discriminate in employment or personnel practices on the basis of race, gender, religion, color, national origin, disability, age, protected veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, creed, ancestry, political belief, pregnancy, or any other protected category or participation in any protected activity. In compliance with the ADA Amendments Act (ADAAA), if you have a disability and would like to request an accommodation to apply for a position, please call 307-766-2377 or email jobapps@uwyo.edu. Review the Know Your Rights poster and its Supplement.


Pursuant to Wyoming State law, W.S. 19-14-102, as amended, an honorably discharged veteran who has been a resident of the state of Wyoming for one (1) year or more at any time prior to the date when the veteran applies for employment, or any surviving spouse who was married to such veteran at the time of the veteran’s death, who is receiving federal survivor benefits based on the veteran’s military service and is applying for employment, shall receive an interview preference during the applicant screening process with the University of Wyoming. At the time of application, the applicant must possess the business capacity, competency, education or other qualifications required for the position. If disabilities do not materially interfere with performance of job duties, disabled veterans will be given preference over able-bodied veterans. Appropriate documentation of veteran status must be provided at time of application as outlined in the application process. No preference will be given to a veteran currently employed by a public department.


We conduct background investigations for all final candidates being considered for employment. Offers of employment are contingent upon the completion of the background check.


Applicants with disabilities may request accommodation to complete the application and selection process. Please notify Human Resources at least three (3) working days prior to the date of need.


Application URL https://theapplicantmanager.com/jobs?pos=su446


The University of Wyoming seeks an Assistant/Associate/Full Professor, Veterinary Anatomic Pathologist

Click here to view position profile: https://summitsearchsolutions.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/UW_Veterinary_Pathologists_Profile.pdf

Location: Laramie, Wyoming


The Position:

The Department of Veterinary Sciences at the University of Wyoming (UW) welcomes applications for a Veterinary Anatomic Pathologist position at the Assistant, Associate or Full Professor level; either tenure or clinical track, depending on the applicant's preference and qualifications. Job duties include diagnostic service as well as research and teaching activities.


The selected candidates will function as diagnostic pathologists alongside other board-certified pathologists within the Wyoming State Veterinary Laboratory (WSVL). The diagnostic workload is diverse and includes significant numbers of companion animal, livestock, and wildlife cases. Anatomic pathology diagnostic duties include gross, and histopathological examination on all veterinary species, as well as case coordination and communication of laboratory results to clients. Tenure track candidates will have a research appointment and teach at the undergraduate and graduate levels with flexibility in workload distribution. There are opportunities to mentor veterinary student externs and collaborate with a vibrant community of basic, clinical, and applied scientists within the Department and across the University.


The WSVL is a well-staffed and AAVLD-accredited diagnostic laboratory with BSL2 and BSL3 necropsy suites and in-house next-generation sequencing technology. The University of Wyoming Biocontainment Facility is also housed within the Department and comprises BSL3 research facilities with small animal housing. Large animal housing facilities are available on a BSL2 level. The diagnostic laboratory has a very strong relationship with veterinarians and other clientele, supporting meaningful diagnostic and research-related interactions. Start-up funds will be provided appropriate to the research appointment.




  • DVM (or equivalent degree).
  • American College of Veterinary Pathologists Board certification or eligibility (or equivalent) in anatomic pathology.
  • A PhD degree (tenure-track only) in an appropriate discipline is required for candidates pursuing a tenure-track position, however, consideration will be given to applicants who are currently pursuing their Doctoral Degree and will complete the degree prior to starting work.



  • Demonstrated interest, aptitude, and capability for research and/or scholarly activity related to diseases of domestic animals, wildlife, and/or animal models of human disease.
  • Teaching expertise at the undergraduate and/or graduate level.
  • Research experience.
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills.
  • Demonstrated ability to work with others in a collegial team atmosphere.


About the Department of Veterinary Sciences and the Wyoming State Veterinary Laboratory:


The departmental Mission is centered on One Health. We provide quality animal disease diagnostic services; conduct research that impacts animal and human disease; and deliver instruction with experiential learning for students, veterinarians, and citizens of Wyoming, Rocky Mountain West and beyond.


Wyoming State Veterinary Laboratory (WSVL)

The WSVL serves stakeholders in the state and region by providing animal diagnostic services for livestock, companion animals, and wildlife species. Case load is about 24,000/year across all laboratory sections. The laboratory is fully accredited by the American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians. The WSVL also serves the nation by acting as a tier II NAHLN laboratory. There are close working relationships with other agencies including the Wyoming Game and Fish Department, the Wyoming Livestock Board and State Veterinarian, and the Wyoming Department of Public Health.



Faculty research in the department is centered on infectious diseases, especially those that are transmissible between wildlife and livestock. We have ongoing research projects in Bighorn sheep pneumonia, malignant catarrhal fever, brucellosis, Q-fever, coccidiosis, drug resistance in nematodes, canine dysautonomia, and autoimmune diseases. Research projects involve undergraduate and graduate students. There are research collaborations with other departments at UW as well as external agencies.



Departmental faculty teach classes in the Animal and Veterinary Sciences (graduate and undergraduate) and Microbiology (undergraduate) degree programs. We support student success by running a pre-veterinary student mentoring program and advising the pre-veterinary student club. There are opportunities to train undergraduate interns and DVM externs in veterinary diagnostics or research. The WSVL provides education opportunities and work experience for 30+ undergraduate students.


To learn more: http://www.uwyo.edu/wyovet/


About the University of Wyoming:

Nestled amid the beauty of two mountain ranges in southeastern Wyoming, you will find the nationally recognized teaching and research institution, the University of Wyoming (UW). Established as a land-grant institution in 1886 when Wyoming was still a territory, UW has since grown to nearly 200 areas of study, drawing approximately 10,800 students from all 50 states and 83 countries. UW is known for its accomplished faculty and world-class facilities, its low student/faculty ratio, and quality undergraduate and graduate online and classroom-based programs within its 11 colleges and schools. To learn more, please visit http://www.uwyo.edu.


Throughout its existence, UW has been the only four-year public university in the state of Wyoming, and it maintains close relationships with the state’s eight community colleges. UW’s global impact begins with innovative undergraduate and graduate research opportunities and extends through state and federal partnerships and recent initiatives such as the School of Computing, Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation and Governor Gordon’s Wyoming Innovation Partnership. UW has played important roles in the lives of students and Wyoming residents for 138 years. Outside Magazine identified Laramie as “the perfect affordable mountain town,” noting the cost of living; access to outdoor activities; food, art and culture; and the influence of UW, including its academic and other offerings. Furthermore, Wyoming ranked #5 in the U.S. News and World Report’s “Best States for Higher Education”. In the area of tuition and fees, Wyoming ranks No. 2 in part because of its low cost for University of Wyoming students. UW’s tuition and fees for resident undergraduates are the lowest in the nation among doctoral degree-granting institutions. The University community is working collaboratively to help the University reinforce and strengthen its reputation as it adapts to changing economic factors in the state and beyond. The University’s strategic roadmap, Forward for Wyoming 2023+: A Strategic Plan for the University of Wyoming,” demonstrates that it is an exciting time to be a part of UW as the institution embarks on ambitious and impactful initiatives.


Location: Laramie, Wyoming, a town with approximately 31,000 people, has a unique blend of sophistication and Western hospitality. UW not only provides an environment for success but also offers varied academic and lifestyle opportunities. Named the “#1 Small College Town in America” by College Value Online, Laramie boasts a moderate cost of living with no state income tax, incredible outdoor recreational opportunities, an eclectic downtown, and a great public school system.


Why Consider the Opportunity:

  • Competitive Compensation & Legislative Support. The State of Wyoming recognizes the significance these positions play in the long-term economic health of the state and its residents. With support from the highest levels of the state legislature, these roles offer competitive salaries, fiscal resources, and a benefits package that includes a retirement benefit that features a state contribution of 14.94% of an employee’s gross salary. Candidates in this role may also qualify for the Veterinary Medicine Loan Repayment Program administered by the USDA.
  • Client Relationships. The pathologists at the University of Wyoming work on a first-name basis with their clients. The Wyoming State Veterinary Laboratory fosters close relationships with the communities they serve across the state. You are not just a number, but an integral part of the community of Wyoming.
  • Rich Collaborations. Utilizing the strong relationships presently developed with state agencies, pathologists in these roles have opportunities to work with the Wyoming Game & Fish Department and the Wyoming Department of Public Health to contribute to meaningful cross-agency animal health research and diagnostic support.
  • Influencing Future Students. Attached to the only 4-year public university in the state, you would play a significant role in training students going into veterinary schools. There are opportunities to work, train and share expertise in fostering individual students toward becoming veterinary professionals.
  • Research Opportunities. The flexibility of these appointments could allow for the right candidates to bring their research programs to the department. Collaborative partners are excited to engage in research projects as they see those relationships as mutually beneficial.
  • Laramie is a great place to live and work. Laramie boasts a low cost of living, low property taxes, and no personal state income tax. The area offers incredible outdoor recreational opportunities, an eclectic downtown area, and a great public school system.


To Apply:

The University of Wyoming, in consultation with Summit Search Solutions, Inc., will begin a confidential review of application materials immediately and continue until the position is filled; parties who apply March 30th will be given first consideration. Please submit a CV/resume and letter of interest upon application. All applications and nominations will be held in confidence.


To apply online, go to: https://theapplicantmanager.com/jobs?pos=su447


For more information or to offer recommendations or nominations:

Andrea Martinez

Senior Consultant

Summit Search Solutions, Inc.

Direct: (919) 357-8766



The University of Wyoming is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Educator and Employer (UW Reg 4-1). The University does not discriminate in employment or personnel practices on the basis of race, gender, religion, color, national origin, disability, age, protected veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, creed, ancestry, political belief, pregnancy, or any other protected category or participation in any protected activity. In compliance with the ADA Amendments Act (ADAAA), if you have a disability and would like to request an accommodation to apply for a position, please call 307-766-2377 or email jobapps@uwyo.edu. Review the Know Your Rights poster and its Supplement.


Pursuant to Wyoming State law, W.S. 19-14-102, as amended, an honorably discharged veteran who has been a resident of the state of Wyoming for one (1) year or more at any time prior to the date when the veteran applies for employment, or any surviving spouse who was married to such veteran at the time of the veteran’s death, who is receiving federal survivor benefits based on the veteran’s military service and is applying for employment, shall receive an interview preference during the applicant screening process with the University of Wyoming. At the time of application, the applicant must possess the business capacity, competency, education or other qualifications required for the position. If disabilities do not materially interfere with performance of job duties, disabled veterans will be given preference over able-bodied veterans. Appropriate documentation of veteran status must be provided at time of application as outlined in the application process. No preference will be given to a veteran currently employed by a public department.


We conduct background investigations for all final candidates being considered for employment. Offers of employment are contingent upon the completion of the background check.


Applicants with disabilities may request accommodation to complete the application and selection process. Please notify Human Resources at least three (3) working days prior to the date of need.




Application URL https://theapplicantmanager.com/jobs?pos=su447




Contact Us

Human Resources - Employment

Campus: Hill Hall, 3rd Floor

Mail: 1000 E University Ave Dept 3422

Laramie, WY 82071

Office Hours: Monday - Friday

Regular: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Summer: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm


Phone: 307-766-2377

Fax: 307-766-5607

Email: recruit@uwyo.edu