Big Sandy Creek

WRP Projects

Water Research Program Completed Projects

To view current projects, click here.

Final reports providing an abstract, list of publications, summary of student support, and a summary narrative are given for each of the listed projects. Note, many publications are completed and degrees are received after the listed closing date of the projects. This is frequently the case due to the time it takes to complete the publication submission and printing process and degree work. Some reports (including those requesting no-cost extensions) have been updated after the final publications and degrees were completed.

1. "Hydrologic Impacts of Improved Irrigation Efficiencies and Land Use Changes", Drew Johnson, Assistant Professor; Civil and Architectural Engr., UW, Mar 00 - Feb 02.
2. "Erosion Potential Model Development and Channel Monitoring", Gregory V. Wilkerson, Assist Prof, Civil and Architectural Engineering, UW, Mar 00 - Feb 03.
3. "Testing of Hydrologic Models for Estimating Streamflow in Mountainous Areas of Wyoming", Bruce R. Brinkman, Adjunct Professor, UW; Hugh W. Lowham, Consultant; and Lawrence Ostresh, Professor, Geography and Recreation, UW, Mar 00 - Feb 03.
4. "Product Accessibility and Dissemination for the Water Research Program at the University of Wyoming", Dennis Feeney, Coordinator, Wyoming Water Resources Data System and Larry Pochop, Director of Water Research Program, UW, Mar 00 - Feb 03.
5. "Field Evaluation of  the Fate of Wastewater Components from Septic Systems", Marjorie E. Bedessem, Assistant Prof, and Thomas V. Edgar, Associate Prof, Civil and Architectural Engr., UW, Mar 01 - Feb 02.
6. "Combining Modern and Paleo-Climate Data to Enhance Drought Prediction and Response", Stephen Jackson,    Associate Prof, Botany, UW; Stephen Gray, Student, Botany, UW; Kenneth Gerow, Associate Prof, Botany, UW; Christopher Fastie, Consultant, Middlebury College, Mar 01 - Feb 03.
7. "The Wyoming Climate Atlas", Jan Curtis, Wyoming State Climatologist, Water Resources Data System Coordinator, Civil & Architectural Engineering Dept, UW, Mar 02 - Feb 04.
8. "Real-Time Monitoring of E. Coli Contamination in Wyoming Surface Waters",  Paul E. Johnson, Physics and Astronomy, UW, Mar 02 - Feb 04.
9. "Drought Prediction Model Development and Dissemination in Wyoming", Michael A. Smith, Prof, and Thomas L. Thurow, Prof and Head,  Renewable Resources Dept. UW; and Philip A. Rosenlund, Senior Univ Ext Educator, UWCES, Cheyenne, WY, Mar 02 - Feb 05.
10. "Geochemistry of CBM Retention Ponds Across the Powder River Basin, Wyoming".  K. J. Reddy, R. A. Olson, and D.E. Legg, Dept. of Renewable Resources, UW, Mar 03 - Feb 06.
11. "Subsurface Drip Irrigation Systems: Assessment and Development of Best Management Practices".  Drew Johnson, Civil Engineering; Renduo Zhang and George Vance, Renewable Resources, UW, Mar 03 - Feb 06.
12. "Water Scarcity and Economic Growth in Wyoming".  Edward B. Barbier, Dept. of Economics and Finance, UW, Mar 03 - Feb 05.
13. "Conveyance Losses and Travel Times of Reservoir Releases Along the Bear River from Woodruff Narrows Reservoir to Cokeville Wyoming".  Drew Johnson and Greg Kerr, Dept. of Civil & Architectural Engineering, UW, Mar 03 - Feb 06
14. "Land Use Impacts on Nitrogen Fixation in Jackson Hole Streams".  Robert O. Hall, Jr. Associate Professor, Dept of Zoology and Physiology, UW, Mar 05 - Feb 07.
15. "Real-Time Monitoring of E-Coli Contamination in Wyoming Surface Waters".  Paul E. Johnson, Physics and Astronomy, UW, Mar 05 - Feb 08.
16. "Innovative Technology Development to Maximize Beneficial Use of Produced Water from Coal Bed Natural Gas Operations in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming".  G.F. Vance, Professor Dept. of Renewable Resources, UW, R.C. Surdam, Wyoming State Geologist, and G.K. Ganjegunte, Post-Doctoral Research Scientist, Dept. of Renewable Resources, UW, Mar 05 - Feb 07.
17. "Predicting drought in the Green River basin".  Glenn Tootle and Stephen Gray, Civil and Architectural Engr., UW, Mar 06 - Feb 08.
18. "Precipitation Measurement and Growth Mechanisms in Orographic Wyoming snowstorms". J. Snider and B. Geerts, Dept. of Atmospheric Science, UW, Mar 06 - Feb 09.
19. "Tracing Glacial Ice and Snow Meltwater With Isotopes".  Dave Williams, Dept. of Renewable Resources, UW, Mar 07 - Feb 09.
20. "Integrated Management of Groundwater and Surface Water Resources: Investigation of Different Management Strategies and Testing in a Modeling Framework".  Fred Ogden, Civil and Architectural Engr., and Melinda H. Benson, Ruckleshaus Institute of Environment and Natural Resources (formerly), UW, Mar 07 - Feb 10.
21. "Detecting the Signature of Glaciogenic Cloud Seeding in Orographic Snowstroms in Wyoming Using the Wyoming Cloud Radar".  Bart Geerts, Dept. of Atmospheric Science, UW, Mar 07 - Feb 10.
22. "Weather Modification Impacts and Forecasting of Streamflow".  Glenn Tootle, Civil and Architectural Engr., UW and Tom Piechota, Univ. of Nevada. Mar 07 - Feb 10.
23. "A New Method for Tracing Seepage from CBNG Water Holding Ponds in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming".  Shikha Sharma and K.J. Reddy, Dept. of Renewable Resources, UW, and Carol Frost, Dept. of Geology and Geophysics, UW, Mar 08 - Feb 10.
24. "Water Quality Criteria for Wyoming Livestock and Wildlife".  Merl Raisbeck, Dept Veterinary Sciences; Cynthia Tate, Wyoming Game & Fish Dept; and Michael Smith, Dept of Renewable Resources, UW, Mar 08 -  Feb 11.
25. "Multi-Century Droughts in Wyoming's Past: Evidence of Prolonged Lake Drawdown".  Bryan N. Shuman, Dept. Geology & Geophysics, UW; Jacqueline J. Shinker, Dept. of Geography, UW; and Thomas A. Minckley, Dept. of Botany, UW, Mar 08 - Feb 09.
26. "Detecting the signature of glaciogenic cloud seeding in orographic snowstorms in Wyoming II: Further airborne cloud radar and lidar measurements",  Bart Geerts, Associate. Prof., Dept of Atmospheric Science, UW, Mar 09 -  Feb 12.
27. "Effects of Warm CBM Product Water Discharge on Winter Fluvial and Ice Processes in the Powder River Basin",  Robert Ettema, Prof of Engineering and Applied Science, and Edward Kempema, Research Scientist, Dept of Geology and Geophysics, UW, Mar 09 -  Feb 11.
28. "Characterization of Algal Blooms Affecting Wyoming Irrigation Infrastructure: Microbiological Groundwork for Effective Management",  Naomi Ward, Assistant Prof, and Blaire Steven, Postdoctoral Associate, Dept of Molecular Biology, UW, Mar 09 - Feb 11.
29. "Is the Muddy Creek Food Web Affected by Coalbed Natural Gas Inputs?". Lusha Tronstad, and Wendy Estes-Zumpf, Wyoming Natural Diversity Database, UW, Mar 10 - Feb 11.
30. "Using Voluntary Arrangements To Reduce Diversions and Improve Stream Flows for In-channel Benefits in Wyoming". Lawrence J. MacDonnell, College of Law, UW, Mar 10 - Feb 11.
31. "Development of a Contaminant Leaching Model for Aquifer Storage and Recovery Technology". Maohong Fan, Dept. of Chemical & Petroleum Engr., UW, Mar 10 - Feb 12.
32. "Development of GIS-based Tools and High-Resolution Mapping for Consumptive Water Use for the State of Wyoming". Gi-Hyeon Park, and Mohan Reddy Junna, Dept. of Civil and Architectural Engineering, UW, March 10 - Feb 12.
33. "Treatment of High-Sulfate Water Used for Livestock Production Systems". Kristi M. Cammack, Dept. of Animal Science, UW, Kathy J. Austin, Dept. of Animal Science, UW, Ken C. Olson, West River Ag Center, South Dakota State Univ., and Cody L. Wright, Dept. of Animal and Range Sciences, South Dakota State Univ., March 10 - Feb 12.
34. "Multi-Century Droughts in Wyoming's Headwaters: Evidence from Lake Sediments". Bryan N. Shuman and Jacqueline J. Shinker, Dept. of Geology & Geophysics, and Thomas A. Minckley, Dept. of Botany UW, Mar 10 - Feb 13
35. "Impact of Bark Beetle Outbreaks on Forest Water Yield in Southern Wyoming". Brent E. Ewers and Elise Pendall, Dept. of Botany, and David G. Williams, Dept. of Renewable Resources, UW, Mar 10 - Feb 13.
36. “Fate of Coalbed Methane Produced Water in Disposal Ponds in the Powder River Basin”. T.J. Kelleners, Assistant Prof. of Soil Physics, Dept. of Renewable Resources, and K.J. Reddy, Prof. of Environmental Quality, Dept. of Renewable Resources, UW, Mar 2011 – Feb 2013
37. “Instrumentation for Improved Precipitation Measurement in Wintertime Snowstorms”. Jefferson Snider, Professor, Dept. of Atmospheric Science, UW, Mar 2011 – Feb 2013.
38. “A Treatise on Wyoming Water Law”. Lawrence J. MacDonnell, Professor of Law, University of Wyoming, UW, Mar 2012 – Feb 2014.
39. “Integrated Accelerated Precipitation Softening (APS) – Microfiltration (MF) Assembly and Process Development to Maximize Water Recovery during Energy Production and CO2 Sequestration”. Jonathan A. Brant, Assistant Prof., Dept. of Civil and Arch. Engr. and Dongmei (Katie) Li, Assistant Prof., Dept. of Chemical and Petroleum Engr., University of Wyoming, UW, Mar 2012 – Feb 2014.
40. “Multi-frequency Radar and Precipitation Probe Analysis of the Impact of Glaciogenic Cloud Seeding on Snow”. Bart Geerts, Professor, Dept. of Atmospheric Science, University of Wyoming, UW, Mar 2012 – Feb 2015.
41. “Decadal Scale Estimates of Forest Water Yield After Bark Beetle Epidemics in Southern Wyoming”. Brent E. Ewers, Assoc. Prof; Elise Pendall, Assoc. Prof.; Urszula Norton, Asst. Prof.; and Ramesh Sivanpillai, APRS, University of Wyoming, UW, Mar 2012 – Feb 2015.
42. “Mapping Annual Surface Area Changes Since 1984 of Lakes and Reservoirs in Wyoming that are not Gauged Using Multi-Temporal Landsat”. Ramesh Sivanpillai, Senior Research Scientist – Extended Term, Dept. of Botany & Wyoming Geographic Info Science Center (WyGISC), University of Wyoming, Mar 2013 – Feb 2015.
43. “Micro-Patterned Membrane Surfaces with Switchable Hydrophobicity ”. Carl P. Frick, Assistant Prof., Dept. of Mechanical Engr. and Jonathan A. Brant, Assistant Prof., Dept. of Civil and Arch. Engr., University of Wyoming, Mar 2013 – Feb 2015.
44. “Use of Fe(VI) for the Improvement of Water Quality in Wyoming”. Maohong Fan, SER Associate Prof., Dept. of Chemical & Petroleum Engr. and Lamia Goual, Assistant Prof., Dept. of Chemical and Petroleum Engr., University of Wyoming, Mar 2013 – Feb 2016.
45. “Rumen Microbial Changes Associated With High Sulfur – A Basis for Developing Treatments for Ruminant Livestock in High Sulfur Water Regions”. Kristi M. Cammack, Assistant Prof., Animal Science and Kathy J. Austin, Research Scientist, Animal Science, University of Wyoming; Cody L. Wright, Prof., Animal Science and Ken Olson, Associate Prof., Animal Science, South Dakota State University; and Gavin Conant, Assistant Prof., Animal Sciences and William Lamberson, Prof., Animal Sciences, University of Missouri, Mar 2013 – Feb 2016.
46. “High-Resolution Modeling of Precipitation, Snowpack, and Streamflow in Wyoming: Quantifying Water Supply Variations in Future Decades”. Bart Geerts, Professor and Yonggang Wang, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Dept. of Atmospheric Science, UW. 03/01/2014 - 02/28/2017.
47. “Quantifying Return Flow in the Upper Wind River Basin”. Ginger B. Paige, Assoc. Prof. and Scott N. Miller, Assoc. Prof., Dept of Ecosystem Science and Management, UW. 03/01/2014 - 02/28/2017.
48. “Groundwater Modeling of the Casper Aquifer, Belvoir Ranch, Cheyenne”. Ye Zhang, Associate Professor, Dept. of Geology & Geophysics, UW. 03/01/2015 - 02/28/2018.
49. “A New Multifunctional Sorbent for the Treatment of Coproduced Waters (CWS) from the Energy Industry”. Maohong Fan, Professor, School of Energy Resources and Dept. of Chemical & Petroleum Engr. 03/01/2015 - 02/28/2018
50. “Economic Assessment of Alternative Groundwater Management Strategies in Laramie County”. Kristiana Hansen and Dannele Peck, Professor, Dept. of Agricultural & Applied Economics, UW and Scott Miller, Dept. of Ecosystem Science and Management, UW. 03/01/2016 - 02/28/2019
51. “Produced Water Treatment with Smart Materials for Reuse in Energy Exploration”. Dongmei (Katie) Li, Department of Chemical Engineering, UW. 03/01/2016 - 02/28/2019
52. “Developing a Framework for Estimating Groundwater Connections to Wyoming Reservoirs”, Befus. 03/01/2017 - 02/29/2020
53. “Numerical Simulations of the Impact of Cloud Seeding in the Wind River Range on Precipitation, Snowpack and Streamflow”. Geerts, Xue, and Rasmussen. March 2017 – December 2020.
54. “Treatment of Produced Water and Rare Earth Element Resource Cost-offsets, Wyoming”, Charles Nye, School of Energy Resources; Jonathan Brant, College of Engr.; and Scott Quillinan, School of Energy Resources, UW, July 2018 – June 2020.
55. “Recycling Co-Produced Waters in the Energy Industry for Economic Development”, Maohong Fan, School of Energy Resources and Dept. of Chemical & Petroleum Eng., UW, July 2018 – December 2021.
56. “Understanding the Contribution of Different Microbial Sources to Surface Water for Informed Management of Waterborne Pathogens in Wyoming”, Sarah Collins, Dept. of Zoology and Physiology and Bledar Bisha, Dept. of Animal Science, UW, July 2019 – June 2022. Report Extension.
57. “Sediment and Fisheries: An Assessment to Inform Sediment Management Practices at Wyoming Dams”, Annika Walters, USGS Wyoming Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit, Zoology and Physiology, UW; Frank Rahel, Dept. Zoology and Physiology, UW; and Lindsay Patterson, Wyoming Dept. of Environmental Quality, Water Quality Division, July 2019 – June 2022
58. “Identifying, Predicting and Managing the Occurrence of Harmful Cyanobacterial Blooms in Wyoming Reservoirs”, Sarah Collins, UW Dept. of Zoology and Physiology; William Fetzer, UW Dept. of Zoology and Physiology; Lindsay Patterson, Surface Water Quality Standards Supervisor, Wyoming DEQ; Matt Ross, CSU Dept. of Ecosystem Science and Sustainability; and Annika Walters, UW Coop Unit., July 2020 – June 2023.

Water Research Program Current Projects

59. “Improved Forecasting of Water Content Spatial Distribution and Aquifer Potential Assessment using Geostatistical and Hydro-geophysical methods”, Dario Grana, Associate Professor, UW Geology and Geophysics; Andrew Parsekian, Assistant Professor, UW Geology and Geophysics and Civil and Architectural Engineering, July 2021 – June 2024.
60. “Improving Hydrologic Predictions in Wyoming’s Headwaters Through Detailed Quantification of Snowmelt”, Fabian Nippgen, Assistant Professor, UW Ecosystem Science and Management; Ginger Paige, Professor, UW Ecosystem Science and Management, July 2021 – June 2025.
61. “Economic Impacts of Curtailment and Demand Management in the Wyoming Colorado River Basin”, Kristiana Hansen and Roger Coupal, Agriculture and Applied Economics, UW; Ginger Paige, Ecosystem Science and Management, UW, July 2022 – June 2025.
62. “Evaluation of Critical Minerals (CMs) Deposits, Mainly Lithium (Li) and Rare Earth Elements (REEs), in Wyoming as well as the Economic Viability of Mining These Resources”, Maohong Fan, Chemistry and Petroleum Engineering, College of Engineering and Applied Science, July 2022 – June 2025.
63. “Evaluating Toxicity of Harmful Cyanobacterial Blooms in Wyoming Lakes and Reservoirs”, Sarah Collins, UW Department of Zoology and Physiology; William Fetzer, UW Department of Zoology and Physiology; Gwen Gerber, Shoshone National Forest, U.S. Forest Service; Kelsee Hurshman, Lindsay Patterson, Ron Steg, Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality; Anika Walters, U.S. Geological Survey, UW Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, July 2023 - June 2026.
64. “High Resolution Upland and Riverbank Erosion Monitoring to Inform Best Management Practices that Seek to Reduce Sediment Accumulation at the Willwood Dam”, Austin Madson, UW Wyoming Geographic Information Science Center; Di Yang, UW Wyoming Geographic Information Science Center, July 2023 - June 2026.
65. “Quantifying Nitrogen Sources in a Headwater Catchment from Stable Isotopes of Nitrate: Proof of Concept and Case Study at Brooks Lake, Fremont County, Wyoming”, Felix Bredoire, David Williams and Sarah Collins, UW College of Agriculture, Life Sciences and Natural Resources; Janet Dewey, UW College of Engineering and Physical Sciences; Chandelle McDonald, UW Office of Research and Economic Development; Lindsay Patterson, Ron Steg and Mike Wachtendonk, Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality, July 2024 - June 2026.
66. “Sibert Pivot Hydrologic Monitoring of Drought Adaptation Irrigation Management Strategies”, Ginger Paige and Joseph Cook, UW College of Agriculture, Life Sciences and Natural Resources, July 2024 - June 2027.
Contact Us

Greg Kerr, Director OWP

Department 4309

Office: 241 Hill Hall

1000 East University Ave

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-6656


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