Department of Plant Sciences
Dept. 3354
1000 E University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-3103
Dr. Heitholt CV
Heitholt ensures that researchers from across the state with projects at the Powell
REC have the resources and help needed to conduct quality field research. He encourages
researchers to provide deliverables (bulletins with results) to Bighorn Basin stakeholders.
Heitholt meets routinely with stakeholders to revisit short-term and long-term producer
Heitholt’s research is primarily crop yield physiology but with major emphasis on
phenotyping (for identifying important genotype-by-management interactions). He also
contributes to the region’s crop improvement effort by generating novel dry bean germplasm
through conventional crossing. The major theme of Heitholt’s research is to reduce
grower input costs and improve profitability while at the same time foster the use
of more environmentally‑friendly agronomic management practices.
Heitholt, in collaboration with Vivek Sharma, has identified drought-tolerant dry
bean cultivars and experimental lines that growers might use in a deficit irrigation
management. Dry bean studies were originally launched in 2015 and 2016 at the UW-REC
in Lingle (WY) and were ultimately expanded to Powell REC in 2017 and 2018. The most
important finding within these studies is that grain yield of the entries was negatively
correlated to canopy temperature (CT) readings obtained during flowering and throughout
grain-fill. The yield vs. CT correlations were consistent regardless of whether the
data were collected under full irrigation or under deficit irrigation. In 2019, Heitholt
also observed this correlation within a small set of sister lines which suggests that
CT needs to be considered further for use in breeding and screening programs.
Additionally, Heitholt continues to phenotype dry bean cultivars and his own progeny
lines for tolerance to low soil N and low soil P. Despite being an N2-fixing legume,
dry bean is a poor N2-fixer and extension literature across the US dry bean belt recommends
that fertilizer N be added if soil NO3-N is below 10 ppm. Heitholt and his graduate
student, Ali Alhasan, have conducted five years of greenhouse and field research comparing
dozens of dry bean cultivars for their response to varying N fertilizer rates. Results
have indicated that yield response to fertilizer N (average across cultivars) is minimal
and that N fertilizer recommendations need revisted. Other researchers throughout
the US dry bean belt have also found inconclusive grain yield results to soil-applied
N. Positive effects of N on other traits such as leaf chlorophyll and vegetative growth
are consistently observed, however. Genotype‑by-N interactions are rather inconsistent
although it appears that certain cultivars are able to tolerate low soil N better
than others. Researchers in other parts of the world continue to identify lines with
greater N2-fixing capacity and ultimately these lines will be used as parents in US
dry bean breeding programs in hopes that producers can reduce N application rates.
Heitholt recently launched a project in hopes of reducing N rates in sugar beet, another
major crop grown in the Bighorn Basin. First year results suggest that the typical
200 pounds N per acre rate may not be required. Heitholt is testing soil amendments
in combination with different N rates to see if adjustments to the rhizosphere can
improve N uptake and reduce N application rates.
Heitholt has generated numerous dry bean progeny lines that are being evaluated for
their performance under deficit irrigation, low soil N, or low soil P. So far, none
of the experimental lines have proven superior to the top performing commercial line(s)
but Heitholt has found multiple lines superior to the parental lines. Earliness and
upright stature are primary breeding goals for Heitholt’s breeding program and although
some of his material looks promising, he only plans for a germplasm release at this
time as opposed to a cultivar release.
Heitholt teaches a graduate level crop physiology course and an undergraduate course
in Crop Yield Physiology. Heitholt also assists with the teaching of Field Crop Production.
All of Heitholt's courses are taught online with prerecorded lessons made available
to the students and with online discussions held throughout the semester.
Heitholt does not have formal extension responsibilities but supports extension and
outreach for regional educators and statewide specialists as needed or requested.
Heitholt’s primary role in outreach is to mentor undergraduate interns that seek to
learn more about laboratory, greenhouse, and field plot research. Students from nearby
Northwest College are routinely hired to work with the faculty and staff at PREC to
learn about crop management, measurement of ecophysiological traits, and growth staging
of crop canopies.
Updated March, 2020
Department of Plant Sciences
Dept. 3354
1000 E University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-3103