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Department of Psychology

1000 E. University Ave

Dept. 3415

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: 307-766-6303

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Social Psychology Doctoral Program

Application Deadline: Dec. 1       

>> Apply today!


Program Overview

The Social Psychology concentration at the University of Wyoming provides students with doctoral training that promotes broad training in the theories, current knowledge, and research methods in social psychology.


Lab meeting


Research activity is strongly emphasized with focus on the broad areas of:

  • motivation and self-regulation
  • emotion
  • personality
  • self
  • social cognition and decision making
  • teaching effectiveness

Throughout their careers, students are encouraged to work independently and collaboratively with one or more faculty and with other students. This flexible training equips graduates for employment in academia, research institutions, government agencies, and a variety of service-related settings.


Ph.D. Requirements

Social Psychology doctoral students are expected to complete:

  • four core psychology courses (Social Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, and Biological Psychology)
  • two statistics courses
  • a methodology course
  • courses in Social Cognition and Personality Science
  • a number of topical seminars related to Social Psychology. Topics for these seminars rotate, and they often can be tailored to current students interests. Recent course offerings include Emotion and Self-Regulation.
  • a Master's thesis and dissertation on social psychology topics
  • pass a qualifying exam, developed by the student in collaboration with his or her graduate committee

 Students are also expected to regularly attend weekly social psychology lab meetings, and to attend all departmental colloquia.


Core faculty


Sean McCrea

Sean McCrea, Ph.D.

(Indiana U. 2002)
Motivation, Self, Social Cognition, Judgment

Principal Investigator for the Motivation and Cognition Lab 

Dr. McCrea is not accepting graduate students for Fall of 2023



Ben Wilkowski

Benjamin Wilkowski, Ph.D.

(North Dakota State, 2008)
Emotion; Self-Regulation; Personality; Anger

Principal Investigator for the ASPIRE Lab 

Dr. Wilkowski is currently accepting graduate students for Fall 2025

Kasey Stanton

Kasey Stanton, Ph.D.

(U. Notre Dame, 2018)
Personality and mood assessment

Dr. Stanton will be reviewing applications for possible recruitment for Fall 2025



Scott Freng

Jarrod Bock

Scott Freng, Ph.D.

(U. Nebraska-Lincoln, 2001)
Prejudice and stereotyping, implicit social cognition

Dr. Freng is not accepting graduate students



Jarrod Bock, Ph.D

(Oklahoma State University, 2020)
Culture of Honor, Masculinity, Gender Issues, Mental Health

Dr. Bock is currently accepting graduate students for Fall 2025



Affiliated Social Psychology Faculty

Karen Bartsch, Ph.D. (U. Michigan, 1988)
Social Cognitive Development, Children's Persuasion Strategies,
Theory of Mind

Narina Nunez, Ph.D. Emeritus Professor (Cornell U., 1987)
Adolescent Decision-Making, Juror and Jury Reasoning and Decision-
Making, Children and the Law

Where Some of Our Alumni Are Now:

Dana Binder, Trial Consultant, Dispute Dynamics, Inc.
Alexandra Bitter, Assistant Professor, Point Loma Nazarene University
Jessica Hatz, Associate Professor, Austin Peay State, TN.
Elizabeth (Ferguson) Leki, Statistical Analyst, Marketing Sciences, PSB, Denver CO
Joshua Reynolds, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Scranton
Nicholas Schwab, Associate Professor, University of Northern Iowa
Christine Shea Adams, Statistical Analyst, Colorado Division of Criminal Justice.
David Webber (B.A. and M.S. from UW), Assistant Professor, Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness, Virginia Commonwealth University.
Trent Wondra, Assistant Professor, Barry University

Contact Us

Department of Psychology

1000 E. University Ave

Dept. 3415

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: 307-766-6303

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