Fall Campus

Division of Student Affairs


The Division of Student Affairs is committed to leading and supporting efforts to create a robust educational and supportive environment. We recognize that our campus and community deserve a welcoming space where people from all backgrounds should be seen, supported, and recognized.

The Division of Student Affairs is comprised of the Associated Students of the University of Wyoming, Campus Recreation, the Dean of Students Office, Student Health Service, the University Counseling Center, Residence Life, and the Student Success Hub.




To empower students so they can navigate life, experience fulfillment, and contribute to humanity. 

To advance the student success agenda, we will:

  • Provide safe, comfortable, affordable, and physically and programmatically appealing housing and dining programs to students living on campus;
  • Provide integrated wellness service to address physical and behavioral health;
  • Educate students; encourage personal accountability for their choices and actions; refer students to appropriate resource on and off-campus; 
  • Engage students in leadership opportunities; provide educational, social, and entertaining programs and events;
  • Foster opportunities for students to provide feedback to the university and participate in shared governance;
  • Provide alumni and parents opportunities to be active in the UW Community.


Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs

Old Main, Suite 408

(307) 766-5123
