The Board


The Student Media Board oversees the publication and distribution of student newspapers, magazine, yearbooks, and other publication it may approve. It establishes regulations and procedures for all student publications, and overall, fulfills the responsibilities of a publisher. 


The Board shall consist of three (3) student members appointed by the President of the Associated Students of the University of Wyoming and approved by the ASUW Senate, one of whom shall be a graduate student. Two (2) student members approved by the combined staffs of all University of Wyoming student publications. Two (2) members appointed by the President because of their expertise that is relevant to student publications either as University faulty or staff members having  background in relevant academic disciplines or related professional experience. Two (2) professional journalists appointed by the President from nominations submitted by the Wyoming Press Associated Board Directors. On member from the University Faculty appointed by the Chairperson of the Faculty Senate and approved by the Faculty Senate.  One (1) member from the University staff appointed by the President of the Staff Senate and approved by the Staff Senate. 

2024-2025 Board Info