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Summer Festival

About Snowy Range Summer Theatre

Snowy Range Summer Theatre is on hiatus until further notice during program review.

The Snowy Range Summer Theatre season historically has run at the University of Wyoming each June and July, generally featuring three productions and occasionally one touring production. 

UW Theatre and Dance is proud of the long history and success of its summer theatre, which reached 69 years before going on hiatus, making it the second oldest program west of the Mississippi!  The summer company each year has typically comprised current students and alumni working in the field, as well as outside professionals.

The summer season has typically been staged within a six to eight-week session and has offered student performers and technicians valuable practical theatre experience and a stipend, and the option to earn academic credit.

Outstanding junior and/or senior theatre majors at UW (particularly those students seeking a professional degree) have been the backbone of UW's summer theatre program for both the acting and technical companies, along with applicants recruited from throughout the nation.

About the Snowy Range Summer Dance Festival

Over its 28-year tenure, the Snowy Range Summer Dance Festival has built a solid reputation of providing audiences and participants with wonderful exposure to professional-level dance.  The festival runs each year in mid-July and includes two public performances, a free student showcase and a final Gala concert featuring professional festival resident dancers as well as festival participants.

The Snowy Range Dance Festival brings professional dance artists and companies in residence to the campus of the University of Wyoming for intensive dance study. Guest artists, together with the reputable dance program and performing arts facilities of the University of Wyoming, provide an academic as well as a professional atmosphere for the nurturing of young and promising students of dance and the teachers who instruct them.

In addition to technique classes at various levels, activities include special performances, concerts, lectures, and discussion groups on current topics pertaining to all areas of the dancer's special needs.

Accompanists and aspiring choreographers discover a nurturing learning environment in which to observe experienced artists at work, ask questions, and participate in special workshops in these areas.

The festival is open to junior high through adults, teachers, and accompanists. Scholarships are available.

Visit the Web site

For further information contact:

Snowy Range Dance Festival DirectorUniversity of WyomingDepartment of Theatre and Dance, Dept. 39511000 E. University AvenueLaramie, WY 82071-3951

Contact Us

Dept. of Theatre and Dance

Dept. 3951

1000 E. University Avenue

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: 307-766-2199

Email: theatre_dance@uwyo.edu

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