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UW to Launch COVID Pass Tool Monday

Starting Monday, Aug. 24, the University will launch UW COVID Pass, a health screening tool that will be accessible through WyoWeb.

University of Wyoming students, faculty and staff who will be on campus this fall are expected to conduct a daily wellness check through COVID Pass. UW students, faculty and staff who will remain off campus due to remote work and learning are recommended to complete and submit the health screen daily.

This new expectation will help protect the health and safety of the UW community and the greater Laramie community during the ongoing pandemic.

The purpose of COVID Pass is to detect when someone may be experiencing unexpected symptoms of COVID-19. Upon navigating to the COVID Pass tool, individuals will indicate whether they are experiencing symptoms by checking a box. If students or employees are not experiencing unexpected symptoms, they will check the “none of the above” box. Upon submission of the form, COVID Pass will generate one of two results: cleared or not cleared to come to campus.

If an individual is not experiencing unexpected symptoms, COVID Pass will generate a green pass to indicate the individual is cleared to come to campus. For those who indicate they are experiencing unexpected symptoms, the tool will generate a red notice to notify the individuals that they should not come to campus. In either case, the employee or student will also receive a “cleared” or “not cleared” email. The results also can be printed if desired.

UW employees who are experiencing unexpected symptoms should not come to campus; should contact their supervisors to make necessary arrangements; and are recommended to contact their local health care providers. UW students who are experiencing unexpected symptoms should not come to campus, and should contact UW Student Health Service or their local health care providers.

For employees who don’t have smartphones or computers, the employees should do a self-check for fever or symptoms at home each morning. If they have any of the symptoms, they shouldn’t come to campus and should contact their supervisors -- just as they would if they were normally calling in sick. If they don’t have symptoms, they can come to campus and then fill out the COVID Pass once they are on campus at any computer available to them. This can be in their work area or one of the computers in the computer labs.

For step-by-step instruction on how to use UW COVID Pass, click here. Supervisors will receive further guidance and training in a COVID Learning Plan for Leaders available soon in the Employee LearnCenter.

If you have further questions regarding COVID Pass, contact the UW COVID Hotline by calling 307-766-COVD (2683) or emailing



Contact Us

Institutional Communications
Bureau of Mines Building, Room 137
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-2929


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