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UW Seeks Input on Draft Strategic Plan

The University of Wyoming’s Strategic Planning Team and Council have completed a draft plan to guide the university in coming years, and they are seeking input from the UW community.

The plan is available here, where you also will find a survey link to submit feedback. The deadline is Sept. 30.

Additionally, an in-person “feedback lab” is planned Thursday, Sept. 1, at 2 p.m. in the Wyoming Union Family Room, preceding UW’s Fall Convocation and President Ed Seidel’s “State of the University” address.

And an online feedback session will take place Friday, Sept. 2, at 11 a.m. via Zoom --

“The Strategic Planning Team and Council are excited to share a proposed roadmap focused on UW’s land-grant mission of providing transformative learning opportunities; providing discovery and innovation through scholarship and creative activities; having societal impact on Wyoming and beyond; and exploring financial sustainability and resourcing UW’s mission,” say the team’s co-chairs, Vice Provost for Strategic Planning Anne Alexander and Vice President for Student Affairs Kim Chestnut. “We invite comments from everyone, through both the online survey form and the in-person and virtual feedback labs.”

The Strategic Planning Team and Council -- which, respectively, include 66 and 17 people from across UW -- produced the draft strategic plan following an extensive series of unit dialogues, “idea labs” and other sessions in the past year.

Following the submission of feedback and any revisions, the strategic plan draft will go to the president and the Board of Trustees later this academic year.

For more information on the strategic planning process, go here.



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Institutional Communications
Bureau of Mines Building, Room 137
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-2929


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