Wyoming Geographic Alliance


The mission of the Wyoming Geographic alliance is to motivate and enable each new generation of teachers and students to become geographically literate by providing teachers with quality training, programs, and instructional materials to enable them to provide students with a 21st century geographic education. Please see our 2018 fact sheet for more information about the status and importance of geographic education in Wyoming.


Watch the following 50 second video showcasing educational resources available through the Wyoming Geographic Alliance, including the giant floor maps and the Wyoming Student Atlas. Contact Germaine Wagner at gkwagner@outlook.com to find a location near you to borrow these resources for your K-12 class. For online learning, check out more than 40 short interactive map activities using the online Wyoming Student Atlas.


  • October 6th, 2024 - Germaine Wagner shared the giant maps of North and South America for OLLI (Osher lifelong learning Institute). Participants had a great time finding landforms and landmarks on the giant maps in the Casper College Gateway lobby. Next stop is Casper Christian School later this month for North America activities and in November South America.

    A group of older people standing on a giant floor map and looking at the camera. A group of older people standing on a giant floor map and looking down at it.
  • May 20th, 2024 - Germaine Wagner was recently in Panama and visited a village school in Santa Rosa. She gave the children blowup globes and helped them find where she lives and where they live. The globes were later used as soccer balls. There was much laughter and yelling as the kids raced around. This village does not have electricity. The women cook on an open fire, and the living huts have dirt floors and no furniture.

    A group of children sitting on the ground and looking at a inflatable globe. A group of children sitting on a ledge and looking at a inflatable globe.
  • See the Alliance news for more details about events and educational activities in recent years.