Like other data-related enterprise systems (e.g. WyoCloud) UW's Campus Enterprise System is a behind-the-scenes system that provides data to many applications and users across campus.
How is UW Currently Using and Sharing GIS Maps and Data via the Enterprise?
Below are examples of the secure portal applications or live data services.
Real Estate Viewer (REV)
The REV, a custom application available through a secure website, provides access to UW's Real Property holdings and related information.
Working with Institutional Marketing, WyGISC provides real-time data for the Campus Map on UW's website.
Utilities Data Viewer
The Utilities Data Viewer, a custom application available through a secure website, provides access to detailed utility data and location information.
Campus Control Network
The Campus Control Network, a custom application available through a secure website, provides access to survey control point details and information.
UW Police Department
The UWPD Viewer is a custom application available through a secure portal that provides information about the location of Automated External Defibrillators (AED), emergency phones as well as evacuation maps.
Community Basemap/Living Atlas of the World
This data can be used by other application via web services. UW has entered into an agreement with ESRI to provide basedata for campus via the Living Atlas of the World/World Topographic Map program. Data is updated annually.
UW Space Management/InVision by PenBay (BETA).
When fully launched InVision will provide for viewing and managing spaces use on campus via secure web based applications.
Maps using EGIS data are provided for UW's Dashboard. The University of Wyoming Dashboard is a visual interface that provides at-a-glance views into key measures for students, faculty and staff, tuition and fees, research, budget, and statewide activities. Just open the document and click the brown buttons to navigate throughout the dashboard.
Donated Features and All Art (BETA)
This is a demonstration application showing locations of some features donated to the university as well as university art. This application and associated data are currently under development.
UW's Emergency Response Plan includes mobile-ready web pages as well an interactive map that pulls data from the Enterprise GIS. These pages were developed through a cooperative effort between WyGISC, Information Technology, Administration and Public Relations.
University of Wyoming Campus Parking and Building Map (BETA)
This application is in beta form, and we recommend checking with Transit and Parking Services for the most up to date construction closures for parking.