Saman Aryana
- Occidental Chair in Energy and Environmental Technologies
- Professor and Head, Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering
Honors and Awards
- DOE EFRC – Mechanistic Control of Water-Hydrocarbon-Rock interactions in Nanoporous
Geological Media, co-PI (2018)
- Best Paper Award (1st CAJG), Springer (2018)
- Magnificent Mile (Diversity) Award, University of Wyoming (2018)
- NSF Noyce - Wyoming Interns to Teacher Scholars, co-PI (2016)
- PRF- DNI grant, American Chemical Society (2015)
- Top Prof, Cap and Gown Chapter of Mortar Board, University of Wyoming (2015)
- Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing, Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering
- Robert M. and Ann. T. Bass Fellowship, Stanford University (2007-2012)
- Centennial Teaching Assistant Award, School of Earth Sciences, Stanford University
- Best Master’s Thesis Award, The Masonry Society (2006)
- Construction Research Center Graduate Scholarship, University of Texas - Arlington
- Arthur R. Poor Graduate Scholarship, University of Texas - Arlington (2004)
- Ernest L. Buckley Undergraduate Scholarship, University of Texas - Arlington (2003)
- Charlie M. Moore Scholarship, University of Texas - Arlington (2002)
- Tau Beta Pi, University of Texas - Arlington (2002)
- Chi Epsilon, University of Texas - Arlington (2002)
- Ph.D., Stanford University, Energy Resources Engineering (2012)
- M.S., University of Texas - Arlington, Civil Engineering - Structures & Applied Mechanics
- B.S., University of Texas - Arlington, Civil Engineering - Summa Cum Laude (2003)
Other Education & Licensure
- Professional Engineer (Inactive) - Texas No. 101924, 2008 - present.
- Summer Institute of Entrepreneurship (SIE), Stanford Graduate School of Business,
- Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford (d.school), Summer Workshop, 2008.