
Barnyards & Backyards

Barnyards and Backyards Articles
UW Extension Publications
Other Publications & Videos
Right Tree, Right Place: Tree Selection and Planting - Video (~15 min) | Audio only
Shrubs for WY and their care (Barnyards & Backyards Live!)
Successful Laramie Trees (Rooted in Laramie)
Trees for Laramie -  Covers selection considerations, pros and cons of various landscape trees, and planting tips. Large pdf file! (Copies of slides,Wyoming State Forestry Division 2013)
Trees for Wyoming - A comprehensive list of trees suitable for planting in Wyoming's harsh climate (Wyoming State Forestry Division 2011)
Barnyards and Backyards Articles
Other Publications
Wyoming Tree Owner's Manual (Wyoming State Forestry Division)
Storm Recovery for trees (Arbor Day Foundation - written and video material)
How to mulch trees - This 10 minute how-to video discusses the benefits of mulching trees, the materials you can use for mulch and then shows us how to properly mulch a tree to help it grow quickly and vigorously.
Right Tree, Right Place: Tree Selection and Planting - Video (~15 min) | Audio only
Taking care of trees - watering windbreaks and more! (Barnyards & Backyards Live! Show)
Tips & tricks for healthy trees in Wyoming (Barnyards & Backyards Live! Show)
More Pages - Insects, Diseases, Wildfire
Barnyards and Backyards Articles
Other Publications
Homeowner's Guide to Resolving Wildlife Conflicts (Wyoming Game and Fish, Technical Bulletin #45)
Preventing Deer Damage – 6.520 (Colorado State University)
Fencing Guidelines for Wildlife (Wyoming Game and Fish, Technical Bulletin #53)
Landscape Plants Rated by Deer Resistance (Rutgers - located in New Jersey)
National Pesticide Network (compilation of links to wildlife resources, not just pesticide related)
Deer damage prevention in a landscape setting Video (~22 min)| Audio only
Barnyards and Backyards Articles
Native Plants - page with more information on identifying, growing and more!
WyoScape Xeric Demonstration Garden Guide (large file! >3.5MB, due to the great color pictures of the plants used in this Casper demonstration garden)


Contact Us

Barnyards & Backyards
University of Wyoming Extension
1000 E. University Ave, Department #3354
Laramie, WY 82071

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