Wyoming State Science Fair
University of Wyoming Dept. 3905
1000 E. University Ave
Laramie, WY 82071-2000
Phone: 307-760-2465
Email: wyostatefair@gmail.com
The Wyoming State Science Fair (WSSF) provides a forum for Wyoming student scientists to conduct and share their original science, technology, engineering or math research.
"[Science Fair] helped me in many ways. Now, I am a much better public speaker and I now know that there are many different paths that I could take in the scientific field ...." 2016 WSSF Middle School Competitior
Any 6th-12th grade student currently living in Wyoming and attending an in-person, virtual, or homeschool in Wyoming is encouraged to participate in the science fair program.
Students may conduct original science, technology, engineering, or math research independently at home (with proper supervision), as part of a school class, or as part of an afterschool activity.
"Mama couldn't answer all my 'why' questions and neither could the college professors in my hometown, so I decided I had to figure them out for myself." 1996-2000 WSSF Competitor and Intel ISEF Finalist
To be eligible for competition at the Wyoming State Science Fair students must:
1) Conduct original research according to the International Science & Engineering Fair Rules & Guidelines for Pre-College Science Research (applies to all Wyoming students regardless of school grade).
2) Compete at an approved regional science fair in mid-January-early February. *1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners are eligible to apply to the Wyoming State Science Fair (first Sunday-Tuesday in March).
3) Apply to compete at the Wyoming State Science Fair by submitting the following materials (submission links are sent directly to regional fair winners) and completing an online registration:
a) Completed ISEF Forms (from International Science & Engineering Fair Rules & Guidelines for Pre-College Science Research).
b) Project Materials for Virtual Display & Judging
c) Pay a $15/student paperwork and processing fee (invoiced after completing initial online registration)
4) Appear at the Univeristy of Wyoming Campus on March 3-5, 2024 with a physical poster board display for in-person interview judging and public viewing. *This event also includes fun special competitor activities and an awards ceremony.*
Reach out and get started today! The Wyoming State Science Fair Director is available to answer questions, provide professional development, or lead science project workshops for teachers, students and local mentors in-person or via zoom.
We have resources to help you guide your students.
Browse the Important Information pages on this website for project ideas, rules and guidelines, regional fair information, and more.
Why spend hours reading scientific articles, developing experiment procedures, collecting samples, analyzing results, assembling a poster, and perfecting a presentation? The students tell it best:
"My main influence for choosing this project was the mining companies two miles outside our town because this is going to help them grow vegetation and speed up reclamation." 2016 WSSF High School Competitor and Intel ISEF Finalist
"I play the trumpet, and really wanted to see if they were dirty or not, so I decided to do some swabs and see if bacteria grew on a petri dish or not." 2016 WSSF Middle School Competitor and Broadcom MASTERS Competition Nominee
"Mama couldn't answer all my 'why' questions and neither could the college professors in my hometown, so I decided I had to figure them out for myself." 1996-2000 WSSF Competitor and Intel ISEF Finalist
A science fair project can vary from running a controlled experiment to proposing a new theory based on library or experimental research to developing a new concept, invention, program or design. Students have entered excellent original research on topics as diverse as bull riding, satellites, supercomputers, and optogenic bacteria. The possibilities are endless!
Wyoming State Science Fair
University of Wyoming Dept. 3905
1000 E. University Ave
Laramie, WY 82071-2000
Phone: 307-760-2465
Email: wyostatefair@gmail.com