Department of Zoology and Physiology
1000 E. University Ave
Aven Nelson, room 114
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-4208
Fax: 307-766-5625
Emeritus Professor of Zoology and Physiology, University of Wyoming • (307) 460-0015
Eastern Michigan University Biology B.A., 1968
Eastern Michigan University Biology M.S., 1971
Michigan State University Fisheries Biology Ph.D., 1973
2013-2016 Director, University of Wyoming-National Park Service Research Station
2011-2013 Department Head, Department of Zoology and Physiology, University of Wyoming
1995-2016 J.E. Warren Distinguished Professor of Energy and Environment, University of Wyoming
1998-2008 Director, William D. Ruckelshaus Institute and Helga Otto Haub School of
Environment and Natural Resources, University of Wyoming
1988 Visiting Scientist, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Duluth, Minnesota
1986-1987 Acting Director, Wyoming Water Research Center, University of Wyoming
1984-2016 Professor, Department of Zoology and Physiology, University of Wyoming (Retired 2016)
1984-1999 Director, Red Buttes Environmental Biology Laboratory, University of Wyoming
1975-1984 Asst. & Assoc. Professor, Dept. of Zoology and Physiology, University of Wyoming
Founder’s Award, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2018
Distinguished Faculty Graduate Mentor Award, University of Wyoming, 2014
Extraordinary Merit in Advising, Arts & Sciences College, University of Wyoming, 2014
Fulbright Fellow, University of Nairobi, Kenya, 1996-97
Elected Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1995
George Duke Humphrey Distinguished Faculty Award, University of Wyoming, 1995
Conservation Educator of the Year, Wyoming Wildlife Federation, 1986
President of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 1984-85
President of the Water Quality Section, American Fisheries Society, 1982-83
Editorial Board, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 1981-84
EPA Doctoral Traineeship, Michigan State University, 1971-73
Wyoming Environmental Quality Council, 1983-95; Chairman, 1985-87
National Research Council - National Academy of Sciences Committees/Board
Ecological Risk Assessment, 1986-87
Animals as Monitors of Environmental Hazards, 1987-91
NRC Board of Agriculture and Natural Resources, 2009-2016
Environmental Protection Agency, ORD, Peer Review Panels/Review Committees
Exploratory Grants Program, Environmental Biology Panel, 1986-96
National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program, Aquatic Effects Program, Panel Chair,
Ecorisk Framework Review Panel, 1991
Graduate Fellowship Review Panel, 1995-98, 2009-12
Environmental Protection Agency, Science Advisory Panel for Pesticides (FIFRA), 1984-87
Science and Technology Achievement Awards, 1986-87
Water Quality Standards Research Review, 1986
Ecological Risk Assessment Research Review, 1986
Environmental Protection Agency, Board of Scientific Councilors, 1996-97
The Royal Society (London), Surface Water Acidification Program Review Panel, 1990
Private Sector Board and Advisory Positions
Wyoming Outdoor Council Board, Lander, WY, 2009-2020
SELECTED RELEVANT PUBLICATIONS (Selected from over 100 publications)
Johnson, E.O., B.D. Cherrington and H.L. Bergman. 201_. Assessment of endocrine disrupting compounds in Wyoming surface waters. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. (In Preparation).
Firkus, T., F.J. Rahel, H.L. Bergman and B.D. Cherrington. 2017. Warmed winter water temperatures alter reproduction in two fish species from the South Platte River, Colorado. Environmental Management 61(4)
Pham, D.T., H.M. Nguyen, T.Boivin, A. Zajacova, S.V. Huzurbazar and H.L. Bergman. 2015. Predictors for dioxin accumulation in residents living in Da Nang and Bien Hoa, Vietnam, many years after Agent Orange use. Chemosphere 118:277-283.
Godwin, B.L., S.E. Albeke, H.L. Bergman, A. Walters and M. Ben-David. 2015. Density of river otters (Lontra canadensis) in relation to energy development in the Green River Basin, Wyoming. Science of the Total Environment 532: 780-790.
Wood, C.M., H.L. Bergman, A. Bianchini, P. Laurent, J. Maina, O.E. Johannsson, L. Bianchini, C. Chevalier, G.D. Kavembe, M.B. Papah and R.O. Ojoo. 2012. Transepithelial potential in the Magadi tilapia, a fish in extreme alkalinity. J. Comp. Phyiol. B 182: 247-258.
Bergman, H.L. (ed.). 2009. Research and Development Concerning Coalbed Natural Gas. Final Report to the NETL, U.S. Department of Energy, Ruckelshaus Institute of Environment and Natural Resources, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming. 177pp.
Bergman, H.L., A.M. Boelter, and K.S. Parady (eds.). 2008. Research needs and management strategies for pallid sturgeon recovery. Final Report to the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, Ruckelshaus Institute of Environment and Natural Resources, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming. 36pp. + App.
Bergman, H.L. (ed.). 2005. Water Production from Coalbed Methane Development: A Summary of Quantity, Quality and Management Options. Ruckelshaus Institute of Environment and Natural Resources, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming. 64 pp. + App.
Lease, H.M., J.A. Hansen, H.L. Bergman and J.S. Meyer. 2003. Structural changes in gills of Lost River suckers exposed to elevated pH and ammonia concentrations. Comp. Biochem. Phys. Part C, 134: 491-500.
Bergman, A.N., P. Laurent, G. Otiang'a-Owiti, H.L. Bergman, P.J. Walsh, P.W. Wilson, and C.M. Wood. 2003. Physiological adaptations of the gut in the Lake Magadi tilapia, Alcolapia grahami, in an alkaline- and saline-adapted teleost fish. Comp. Biochem. Phys. Part A, 136. 701-715.
DiToro, D.M., H.E. Allen, H.L. Bergman, J.S. Meyer, P.R. Paquin and R.C. Santore. 2001. Biotic ligand model of the acute toxicity of metals. 1. Technical basis. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 20:2383-2396.
Hansen, J.A., D.F. Woodward, E.E. Little, A.J. DeLonay and H.L. Bergman. 1999. Behavioral avoidance: Possible mechanism for explaining abundance and distribution of trout species in a metals-impacted river. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 18: 126-130.
MacRae, R.K., D.E. Smith, N. Swoboda-Colberg, J.S. Meyer and H.L. Bergman. 1999. Copper binding affinity of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) gills: Implications for assessing bioavailable metal. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 18:1180-1189.
Meyer, J.S., R.C. Santore, J.P. Bobbitt, L.D. DeBrey, C.J. Boese, P.R. Paquin, H.E. Allen, H.L. Bergman and D.M. DiToro. 1999. Binding of nickel and copper to fish gills predicts toxicity when water hardness varies, but free-ion activity does not. Environ. Sci. Technol. 33:913-916.
Bergman, H.L. and E.J. Dorward-King. (eds.). 1997. Reassessment of Metals Criteria for Aquatic Life Protection: Priorities for Research and Implementation. SETAC Press, Pensacola, FL. 114 pp.
Boelter, A.M., F.N. Lamming, A.M. Farag, and H.L. Bergman. 1992. Environmental effects of saline oil-field discharges on surface waters. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 11:1187-1195.
Gulley, D.D., D.R. Mount, J.R. Hockett and H.L. Bergman. 1992. A statistical model to predict toxicity of saline produced waters to freshwater organisms. pp 89-96 In: J.P. Ray and F.R. Engelhardt (eds.). Produced Water: Technological/Environmental Issues and Solutions. Plenum Press, New York.
Bergman, H.L., R.A. Kimerle and A.W. Maki (eds.). 1986. Environmental Hazard Assessment of Effluents. Pergamon Press, Elmsford, N.Y. 366 pp.
Department of Zoology and Physiology
1000 E. University Ave
Aven Nelson, room 114
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-4208
Fax: 307-766-5625