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Department of Zoology and Physiology

1000 E. University Ave

Biological Sciences, 428

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: 307-766-4208


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Zoology and Physiology

Graduate Students

Eric Atkinson

Eric Atkinson (PhD)

Landscape and taxonomic drivers of multi-pathogen infections across a wild avian community.

Advisor: Matt Carling

Jeff Baldock

Jeff Baldock (PhD)

Disentangling the role of spring-fed streams to trout production in the upper Snake River watershed

Advisor: Annika Walters

Kathan Bandyopadhyay

Kathan Bandyopadhyay (PhD)

Mesocarnivores in the spotlight: deciphering India's small carnivore guild

Advisor: John Koprowski

Margot Breiner

Margot Breiner (MS)

Advisor: Anna Chalfoun

Mitch Brunet

Mitch Brunet (MS)

Spatial ecology of mountain lions and coyotes with respect to their ungulate prey

Advisor: Joe Holbrook & Kevin Monteith

John Bruno

John Rudolph Bruno (MS)

Advisor: Kara Pratt

Emily Burkholder

Emily Burkholder (MS)

Dietary and Spatial Interactions between Recreationists and Montane Red Fox in Grand Teton National Park

Advisor: Joe Holbrook

Samuel Case

Samuel Case (PhD)

Seed dispersal by introduced birds in Hawaiian forests

Advisor: Corey Tarwater

Katrina Cook

Katrina A Cook (MS)

Habitat Selection of a Relictual Amphibian Population

Advisor: Anna Chalfoun

Emily Davis

Emily Davis (MS)

Large Carnivore Behavior in a Landscape of Fear: How do Individuals of Different Ages and Sexes Exploit Resources while Navigating Risk Mortality?

Advisor: Joe Holbrook

Mary De Aquino

Mary De Aquino (MS)

Advisor: Corey Tarwater

Mary De Aquino

Alp Demirhan (MS)

Advisor: Qian-Quan Sun

Paul Dougherty

Paul Dougherty (PhD)

Molt, migration, and monsoons: revisiting the avian hybrid zones of the Great Plains

Advisor: Matt Carling

Joseph Flock

Joseph Flock (MS)

Advisor: Brian Cherrington

Emily Gelzer

Emily Gelzer (MS)

How Site Fidelity and Habitat Variability Influence Consistent Population Distribution

Advisor: Jerod Merkle

Laura Gómez Murillo

Laura Gómez Murillo (MS)

Community changes of ant-follower birds across a fragmentation and rainfall gradient in Panama.

Advisor: Corey Tarwater

Katherine Gura

Katherine Gura (PhD)

Variation in habitat selection, movements, and demographics of an irruptive, facultative species

Advisor: Anna Chalfoun

Anabella Helman

Anabella Helman (PhD)

Advisor: Jacob Goheen

Anabella Helman

Kimberley Jordan (MS)

Advisor: Corey Tarwater

Ajay Karki and researches stand above tiger

Ajay Karki (PhD)

Conserving mega-carnivores (tiger & leopard) in the Anthropocene.

Advisor: John L. Koprowski


Ellen Keaveny

Ellen Keaveny (PhD)

Advisor: Michael Dillon

Leo Malingati Khasoha

Leo Malingati Khasoha (PhD)

Role of dietary specialization and dispersal in mantaining species abundance and occupancy in a small mammal community

Advisor: Jacob Goheen

Carrie Kyle

Carrie Kyle (MS)

Full annual cycle ecology: evaluating the seasonal movements of migratory mule deer, elk and moose living in a common environment

Advisor: Matthew Kauffman

Tayler LaSharr

Tayler LaSharr (PhD)

Making a living in a harsh world: how does life-history, nutrition, and environment influence the behavior and survival of a long-lived, iteroparous mammal?

Advisor: Kevin Monteith

Lindsay Martinez

Lindsay Martinez (MS)

Evaluating moose demography and habitat use in the Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming

Advisor: Matthew Kauffman

Kaitlyn McKnight

Kaitlyn McKnight (PhD)

Drivers of ecosystem stability in Great Lakes fish communities

Advisor: William Fetzer, Lauren Shoemaker

Katelyn McLean

Katelyn McLean (MS)

Advisor: Merav Ben-David

Nicholas R Minor

Nicholas R Minor (PhD)

Sampling Across Space and Time: An Investigation of Demographic History in Lazuli Bunting (Passerina amoena) Populations

Advisor: Matt Carling

Katelyn McLean

Lindsey Mitchell

Exploring Niche Partitioning Among Squirrel Species in Malaysian Borneo and Identifying Effective Indicators of Rainforest Health

Advisor: John Koprowski 

Francisco J Molina

Francisco J Molina (PhD)

Behaviorally-mediated trophic cascades: Experimental tests of puma-guanaco interactions in Patagonia

Advisor: Jacob Goheen

Douglas Kamaru Njeri

Douglas Kamaru Njeri (MS)

Linkages between mutualism breakdown, landscape change, and predator-prey dynamics in a human-occupied savanna

Advisor: Jacob Goheen

Ashleigh Pilkerton

Ashleigh Pilkerton (MS)

Sediment and Fisheries: An Assessment to Inform Sediment Management Practices at Wyoming Dams

Advisor: Annika Walters, Frank Rahel

Eric Quallen

Eric Quallen (PhD)

The effects of knowledge transfer among individuals on population dynamics of a small abundant mammal

Advisor: Merav Ben-David

Elizabeth Rieger

Elizabeth Rieger (MS)

Advisor: Annika Walters

Elizabeth Rieger

Madison Ruhmann (MS)

Advisor: William (Trey) Todd

Chance Roberts

Chance Roberts (MS)

Evaluating critical food web linkages and ecology of Lake Trout within Flaming Gorge Reservoir

Advisor: William Fetzer, Sarah Collins

Caroline Rosinski

Caroline Rosinski (MS)

Ecological factors influencing Kokanee Salmon populations in New Fork Lakes, WY

Advisor: William Fetzer

Kelsey Ruehling

Kelsey Ruehling (MS)

Investigating sources of microbial pollution in Wyoming streams for informed management of waterborne pathogens

Advisor: Sarah Collins

Emily Shertzer

Emily Shertzer (PhD)

Full life-cycle effects of energy development on sagebrush-obligate songbirds

Advisor: Anna Chalfoun

Sam Sillen

Sam Sillen (MS)

Harmful cyanobacteria bloom (HCB) dynamics in Wyoming reservoirs

Advisor: Sarah Collins

Margot Breiner

Christina Sluka (PhD)

Evaluating the effects of urban and rural environements on raccoon (Procyon lotor) cognition and skull morphology

Advisor: Merav Ben-David & Sarah Benson-Amram

Rachel Smiley

Rachel Smiley (MS)

Interactions of nutrition, immune function, and disease response in bighorn sheep

Advisor: Kevin Monteith

Margot Breiner

Rashmi Thapa (PhD)

Longitudinal study of TDP-43 depletion in mice model of dementia

Advisor: Yun Li

Alissa Tiemann

Alissa Tiemann (MS)

Evaluating Movement Patterns of Roundtail Chub and Flannelmouth Sucker in the Blacks Fork Subbasin

Advisor: Annika Walters

Margot Breiner

Arianna Tourtellot (PhD)

Advisor: Amy Navratil

Margot Breiner

Eric VanNatta (MS)

Investigating Spatiotemporal Responses of Elk to Human Recreation: An Assessment within Critical Time Stages

Advisor: Joe Holbrook

Tana Verzuh

Tana Verzuh (PhD)

Effects of memory and learning on space use of a reintroduced large mammal

Advisor: Jerod Merkle

Jordan Von Eggers

Jordan Von Eggers (MS)

Using aeDNA in sediment cores to assess the effect of fish introduction on aquatic communities and biodiversity in alpine lakes

Advisor: Bryan Shuman (Geol) Amy Krist

Brittany Wagler

Brittany Wagler

Bighorn sheep nutrition and disease

Advisor: Kevin Monteith

Margot Breiner

Yihan Wang (PhD)

Advisor: Qian-Quan Sun

Colton Webb

Colton Webb (MS)

Examining ecological factors limiting the upstream distribution of fishes in the central Rocky Mountain region

Advisor: Frank Rahel

Margot Breiner

Lauren Wetterau (MS)

Effects of red squirrel middens on biodiveristy and species occupancy in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem

Advisor: John Koprowski 

Arielle Wimmer

Arielle Wimmer (MS)

Assessing phenotypic plasticity in the New Zealand mud snail

Advisor: Amy Krist

Contact Us

Department of Zoology and Physiology

1000 E. University Ave

Biological Sciences, 428

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: 307-766-4208


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