Management & Marketing

Nick Prince

Assistant Professor of Management


Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
M.B.A., Brigham Young University
B.S., Kansas State University 

Teaching Interests

Human Resources, International Human Resources, Training and Development, Compensation

Research Interests

International HRM, Incentive Pay, SHRM, Small Business HR

Areas of Expertise

High-Performance Work Systems, International Human Resources, National Culture

Selected Publications

Prince, N., Prince, J., Kabst, R ., (2020) “National Culture and Incentives: Are Incentive Practices Always Good?” Journal of World Business.

N. Prince, (2020) “Competition: Antecedent to High-Performance Work Systems” Personnel Review.

Bednar, M, Boivie, S., Prince, N., (2013) "Burr Under the Saddle: How the Media Influence Strategic Change", Organization Science.


Nick Prince is an assistant professor in the Department of Management & Marketing with expertise in human resource management. Dr. Prince earned his Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior at the University of Illinois, his MBA in Organizational Behavior & Human Resource Management at Brigham Young University, and a B.S. in Marketing at Kansas State University.

Dr. Prince’s primary research is in international HR. Specifically, his research has looked at how institutional factors such as national culture and institutional flexibility have influenced the impact of incentive pay and performance management on firm performance and turnover. He has a secondary research stream in strategic HR, with a growing interest in how strategic HR influences small business. His research has been published in management journals such as Organization Science, the Journal of World Business, Personnel Review, Employee Relations, and Evidence-based HRM. Dr. Prince has received several research awards, including Outstanding paper and Highly Commended paper in the Emerald Literati Network Awards.

Dr. Prince teaches primarily in the undergraduate program on topics such as human resource management, organizations and management, performance and compensation, training and development, and change management. Dr. Prince has received several teaching awards, including the College of Business professor of the year, Impact award, and the Top-Prof Mortar Board Association Award. He is currently one of the advisors for the university SHRM chapter.

When he is not working, Dr. Prince loves getting into the mountains and going on adventures with his wife and their dog Lincoln.

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